The main contents of Yue Fei's army management
Yue Fei ruled the army or said, "When will the world be peaceful?" Fei said, "Civil servants don't love money, military officers don't hesitate to die, and the world is at peace!" Every time the division retreats, the soldiers in the class jump into the ditch and pay attention to Xi Zhi. The pawn has taken a wisp of hemp from the folk to bind straw and made a hole to show eccentricity. If you die overnight, the people will open the door and accept it. Dare not enter, the bugle "freeze to death without tearing down the house, starve to death without looting." The pawn is sick and his parents adjust the medicine. The general must be far away, and the wife must ask for help; The dead cry to raise their orphans. There were prizes, all for the military attache, and Qiu didn't commit any crimes. Get twice the result with half the effort and hit the public. If you do one thing, call all the controls, plan and fight, and you will succeed. Don't move when you meet the enemy suddenly. Therefore, the enemy said, "It is easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the Yue family army." Zhang Jun tasted the art of using soldiers, and flew up and said, "Benevolence, faithfulness, wisdom, courage, strictness and skill are indispensable." Every time I adjust the rations, I will frown and say, "Southeastern people are exhausted!" A virtuous and polite person is no worse than a Confucian scholar, singing songs and swinging pots. Every time I resign, I will say, "What are the benefits of being a soldier?" But loyalty and anger are fierce, and if you don't defeat others through discussion, you will suffer. Someone asked Yue Fei, "When can the world be called peaceful?" Yue Fei replied: "When civil servants don't love money and concentrate on making profits for the people, military officers are brave enough to serve the country and are not afraid of sacrifice, the world will be peaceful." Every time the general garrison troops cultivate themselves, they will ask the soldiers to climb mountains and jump trenches, and they will all wear heavy armor to practice. Any foot soldier who feeds a horse with a wisp of hemp from the people should be beheaded immediately as a punishment. Soldiers stay at night, people are willing to open the door to accept, and no one dares to go in. The army has a slogan, "freeze to death without tearing down the house, starve to death without looting." Some foot soldiers were ill, and the general personally prepared medicine for him. When his generals went far away to crusade, Yue Fei's wife greeted and took care of their families and wept for the orphans who died unfortunately and adopted him. Whenever the superior gives something, Yue Fei will give it to his soldiers equally, without encroachment. Yue Fei is good at fighting with fewer enemies and more enemies. Anyone who takes action will summon all the rulers (official name, no translation), plan and go to war, so Yue Fei's army is invincible. When you meet an enemy in a hurry, you stick to it. Therefore, the enemy said, "It is easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the Yue family army." Zhang Jun once asked Yue Fei how to fight. Yue Fei replied: "Benevolence, faithfulness, wisdom, courage and strictness are indispensable." Every time the rations are dispatched, Yue Fei will frown and say anxiously: "The people in the southeast are running out!" Yue Fei respects talents and is polite to scholars. He usually sings elegant poems and plays the game of throwing cans. He is as modest and prudent as a scholar. Every time he politely declined to make meritorious service, the court added an official to him, and he would say, "This is the strength contributed by soldiers. What contribution did Yue Fei make? " However, Yue Fei's views on state affairs are radical and there is no room for people to talk about problems. In the end, this caused disaster. Solving the problem 1, the teacher wrote a lot of things in each paragraph between classes, which can be roughly divided into four aspects and summarized. Four aspects: 1, strict requirements for daily training. 2, strict military discipline, no offense in autumn. 3. Give preferential treatment to foot soldiers. 4. The operation layout is tight and difficult to shake. (that is, benevolence, faith, wisdom, courage and strictness) 2. How to understand "the effectiveness of soldiers, where is the merit of flying!" This sentence. This is the strength of military contributions. What contribution did Yue Fei make? 3. Find out the sentences describing Yue Fei in the profile and talk about the benefits of this writing. Therefore, the enemy said, "It is easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the Yue family army." Describe the unfathomable nature of Yue Fei's army management and the tough quality of Yue Jiajun from the side, and win every battle. It further shows Yue Fei's way of managing troops. 4. "Freeze and kill without demolishing the house, starve to death without killing, and fight without robbing." This is the lofty principle of Yue Jiajun's soldiers in that era when human life was like ants and morality was ruined. When a person's life is threatened, even if he has the ability to survive by illegal means, it does not violate the noble character of being a soldier. Comparable to a scholar who has read a lot of poetry books. According to historical records, when Yue Fei led the army to the Northern Expedition for the first time, some soldiers who stayed in the camp starved to death because of lack of rations. In times of hardship, a soldier who can do his best to adhere to this noble behavior is the realm of benevolence of the sages, and Yue Jiajun's "self-suffering and benevolence" is also the virtue of the sages. In the troubled times between the Song Dynasty, bad emperors were in power, treacherous court officials prevailed, foreign invaders were powerful, civil wars were frequent, outlaws were powerful, and the rivers and lakes were in chaos. How easily soldiers are tempted to choose an easier way to make a living. How many officers and men in Song Jun roamed the rivers and lakes and became bandits? However, Yue Fei led his soldiers to be hungry and cold, defending the disgraced Han regime and the dignity of the whole Chinese nation in the season of national disaster. How difficult it is for Yue Fei to control his soldiers. Only by being honest and upright can he do justice in this crisis.