first part
Beautiful girl warrior: moon prism powerful makeup!
Sailor Mercury: Mercury Power Makeup
Sailor Mars: Mars Power Makeup!
Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Power Makeup!
Sailor Venus: Venus Power Makeup!
the second part
Girl Warrior: Moon Crystal Power Makeup!
Sailor Mercury: Water stars make up!
Sailor Mars: Mars star power makeup!
Sailor Jupiter: Wooden Star Power Makeup!
Sailor Venus: Golden Star Power Makeup!
the third part
Girl Warrior: Moon Cosmic Power Makeup!
Sailors Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Mars. Venus' slogan of transformation is the same as the second one.
Super Girl Warrior: Crisis Makeup
Sailor Uranus: Uranus planet power makeup
Sailor Neptune: the composition of Neptune planetary power supply
Sailor Pluto: the composition of Pluto's planetary power
part four
Super Girl Warrior & Super Salon CHIBIMOON: Moon Crisis Makeup
Super sailor Mercury: Mercury Crystal Power Makeup!
Super sailor Mars: Mars Crystal Power Makeup!
Super sailor Jupiter: Jupiter crystal power makeup!
Super sailor Venus: Venus Crystal Power Makeup!
The fifth part
The eternal beautiful girl warrior: the eternal makeup of the moon
Mariner Star Warrior: Warrior Star Power Makeup!
Sailor Star Maker: Creator Star Power Makeup!
Mariner Star Healer: Healer Star Power Makeup!
Sailor Moon
Moon prism power supply composition
Moon frisbee
The moon shimmers
Moon treatment upgrade
Energy composition of moon crystal
Moon princess halo
Energy composition of the moon universe
Moon spiral heart attack
Crisis remedy
Rainbow Moon Heartache
Rainbow bimonthly distressed [+Sailor Red Cliff Moon]
Make up for the moon crisis
The gorgeous meditation of the moon
Silver moon Jingli make up
Starlight honeymoon therapy kiss
Starlight honeymoon double therapy kiss
Kiss of silver moon Crystal Power
The eternal power of silver moon crystal
Sailor little moon
Abracadabra Pon
Luna-P change
Luna -P magic
Time keeper! Tear the sky and open dimension door for me! I call your real name, the Almighty God of Time, the guardian of the father of time, kronos! Give me guidance! Protect me! Give me the road to light!
The moon princess is dizzy [+beautiful girl warrior]
Moon prism power supply composition
Pink sugar heart attack
Crisis remedy
Blink and shout
Rainbow bimonthly distressed [+beautiful girl warrior]
Pink sugar heart disease [+tuxedo mask]
Make up for the moon crisis
The gorgeous meditation of the moon
Pink moon crystal powder cake
Starlight honeymoon double therapy kiss
The frozen kiss of the pink lady [+sailor quartet]
Sailor mercury
Mercury power supply composition
Mariner Planet Attack [+Mariner Mars+Mariner Jupiter+Mariner Venus]
Emergence of hyper-dimensional space
Sparkling water illusion
Mercury star power supply composition
Flash snow illusion
Mercury planetary power supply composition
Mirage of Mercury (Chinese character: Mirage of Water)
Shuiyin crystal powder makeup
Rhapsody of mercury water
Sailor Mars
Mars power supply composition
Demon dispersal
Sailor Planet Attack [+Sailor Mercury+Sailor Jupiter+Sailor Venus]
Power composition of Mars star
The burning Datura stramonium
Power composition of Mars planet
Mars snake fire (Chinese character: snake fire)
Huoxing crystal energy makeup
Mars flame sniper
Jupiter mariner
Jupiter's energy composition
Flower hurricane
Supreme thunder
Sailor Planet Attack [+Sailor Mercury+Sailor Mars+Sailor Venus]
Jupiter's energy composition
Glittering wide pressure
Jupiter's energy composition
Jupiter coconut whirlwind
Jupiter's energy composition
Evolution of Jupiter oak
Venus sailor
Venus power supply composition
Mariner Planet Attack [+Mariner Mercury+Mariner Mars+Mariner Jupiter]
Venus loves my chain.
Rolling heart vibration
The power composition of Venus stars
Venus planetary power supply composition
Venus blink chain sword
Jinxing crystal might make up
Venus is shocked by love and beauty
Sailor Uranus
World Vibration (Kanji: Sky World Vibration)
Dynamic composition of Uranus planet
Roar of space sword (Kanji: chaotic wind of space sword)
Uranus crystal energy composition
Spatial turbulence (Chinese characters: spatial air turbulence)
kaiou michiru
Deep diving (Chinese characters: deep diving)
Dynamic composition of Neptune planet
Submarine reflection
Energy composition of Neptune crystal
Underwater violin tide
Sailor Bruto
Death Scream (Kanji: Destructive Breath and Scream)
Time stop
Power composition of Pluto planet
Typhoon Chronos (Kanji: Time and Space Storm Attack)
Garnet ball [Chinese character: space-time ball]
Dark Dome Closed (Kanji: Seal of Dark Space)
Pluto's crystal strength composition
Sailor Saturn
Death and rebirth revolution (Japanese characters: death world revolution)
Saturn crystal energy supplement
Wall of Silence (Japanese: Fixed Castle Wall)
The silent knife catches the surprise (Chinese character: the silent knife catches the surprise)