At the funeral, as far as the dutiful son is concerned, it is the male dutiful son who walks in front of the coffin and the female dutiful son who walks behind the coffin. So when some people show off their children, they often say, "I have them before the coffin, and I have them after the coffin." That is to say, before the male son goes to the coffin, the female son goes to the coffin.
When a person takes his last breath, there are still many processes to go before being buried. From dressing up and burning paper, to funeral, talking about temples, mourning, breaking filial piety, building a mourning shed, digging holes, and mourning, all these are irrelevant to the content of this article, so I won't go into details.
The dead usually stay at home for three days to express their condolences. The dutiful sons kneel in front of the coffin in turn, and the eldest son will wake up when he falls in the old basin. Usually at noon. The male dutiful son walks in front of the coffin and the female dutiful son walks behind the coffin. As far as the dutiful son is concerned, it is generally the eldest son who carries the banner of guiding souls and walks in front, and both sides must have the help of relatives of the same age. If the mother dies, the helper is the unmarried nephew of the mother; If you say dad, the helpers will become my aunt's cousins.
If the son and daughter-in-law are not filial before they die on the day of the funeral, there may be problems at home on this day, which will make the son and daughter-in-law lose face in front of relatives and friends. If the old man's son and daughter-in-law didn't go too far, the average old man's family wouldn't go too far. If they go too far and things get out, everyone knows that their sons and daughters-in-law can't lift their heads and be men in the village.
After the burial, everyone, including the dutiful son and grandson, will order soup, that is, sprinkle some white flour in clear water and stir it, and then talk about soup. After ordering the soup, all undertaker will cross the fire when he goes back, which means that the old man's soul can't follow him.
In rural areas, with the development of economy and the expansion of interpersonal network, the funeral procession has been growing, ranging from nearly 100 to hundreds of thousands. The number of families can reflect a family's wealth and social activity ability.
In rural areas, this is a major event for every family and has received enough attention.