2. Operating steps: Connect the computer and camera, and turn on the SADP. You will find that Haikang devices are directly connected to the same switch. Select IPC, modify the IP on the right, enter the password, and click Save to complete the task of modifying the IP.
3. Haikang defaults to 190.0.64, changes it to 190.0.xx after connecting a computer, then enters ie and enters 190.0.64 to change the ip. The default port is 8000 Super User Administrator Super Password 123456.
4. Video recorder screen: 2. Right-click anywhere on the screen to pop up a menu bar: 3. Select the main menu and you will be prompted to enter your password. Now Haikang's login password is usually set by himself: 4. Enter the password and enter the main menu, as shown in Figure 5. Select-System Configuration Menu: 6. Select-Network Configuration.