Step 1: First, open the serial assistant, connect the wireless module, and reply ready to indicate that the connection is successful.
Step two:
Send: AT+CWMODE= 1 set to station mode.
Step 3:
Send: AT+CWLAP displays the wireless list.
Step 4:
Send: at+cwjap = "2f0 1 ","0 1234567 "to join the wireless network.
Step five:
Open the notebook network assistant, set the server mode, set the server IP and port number, and connect.
Step 6:
Send: AT+CIPMUX= 1 Start multi-connection mode.
Step 7:
Send: at+cipstart = 2, "TCP", "", 8080 connect to the server.
Now that the connection has been established, you can communicate with the network assistant.
At+CIPSEND = 2,6 Send this instruction before sending data. The last 6 bits represent the number of bytes sent.