Wang Yangming once said when answering students' questions, "Xia Zixin is a saint, and Ceng Zi seeks for himself. I believe that sureness is also true, but it is not as good as the opposite. Since you can't worry, can you always rely on the news? " Through this sentence, Wang Yangming wants to tell the students that many enlightened people and saints have brilliant ideas, but their things may not be fully applicable to them, and latecomers may not be able to fully learn their ideas.
So people should be good at using external forces, but more importantly, they should learn to think independently. Only ideas gained through self-thinking are king. Relying entirely on others, waiting for others' help when encountering things, the continuation of these negative energies is the forgetting of the positive energy of the old saying "it is better to ask for help than to ask for yourself". At this time, Wang Yangming's thought of "being a saint, asking for others is not as good as asking for yourself" has greater practical significance.
You know, no one can kick you out of hell or drag you to heaven. If a person wants to succeed, he always needs to set an ambition in his mind and take a step on his own road.
The core of Wang Yangming's educational philosophy;
Conscience is one of the important propositions and the core of Wang Yangming's educational philosophy. When we get rid of the idealism that leads to conscience, its connotation can be understood as follows: the so-called cause means to achieve, that is, to make people have noble morality and emotion through effective ways of education. Wang Yangming's theory of conscience includes two levels: cognition and realization.
Conscience refers to people's self-cultivation, and in present words, it refers to the process of people's moral cognition and emotional experience. Realizing conscience refers to the process that people's thoughts and emotions are seen in action, that is, the practical process of standardizing moral behavior and correcting life attitude. Wang Yangming disagreed with Zhu's theory of "knowledge comes first" and put forward the theory of "integration of knowledge and practice", holding that the truth of knowledge is action and the insight of action is knowledge.
We should not only emphasize the concept of starting from one place, but also prevent people from budding before training, and pay attention to the constraints of ideas when budding. This statement is similar to the statement that we should attach importance to moral education and adhere to the unity of studying science and culture and strengthening ideological cultivation.