At the earliest time, students must pay tribute to their teachers with the same ceremony as their parents. The ancients thought that you should not kneel or worship. Worship means salute in ancient times. According to the etiquette of the Zhou Dynasty, there were strict regulations on the actions and objects of bowing at that time, and * * * was divided into kowtowing, nodding and empty worship, which was called "formal bowing". When worshipping, worshippers must kneel on the ground, press their left hands on their right hands and support them on the ground. Then, he slowly kowtowed to the ground and stayed for a long time, putting his hands in front of his knees and his head behind his hands. This is the most important etiquette in "Nine Worship". It is generally used for courtiers to visit the king and worship their ancestors. When curtseying, it is the same as kowtowing, except that different people must kowtow and touch the ground on their foreheads. Generally used to salute from bottom to top. Children bow to their parents and elders, and students bow to their teachers. After the Han Dynasty, people's daily life changed and long salutes were added. When bowing, the left hand presses the right hand (the woman's right hand presses the left hand), the hand is hidden in the sleeve, the hand is raised, bowing 90 degrees, and then getting up. At the same time, the hand followed Qi Mei again, and then the hand was put down. Bowing is the respect of the younger generation to the elders, and it is also a way for students to greet their teachers.