No. 1 Tokugawa-Yan Wen & Jing Rong said, "There are trees in the mountains and branches on them, but I don't know if I like you." There are many troubles in the past, and there is no hometown after forgetting Sichuan. All my life, I have been waiting and expecting. What did I finally wait for? What did I expect? Regret? In one's life, everyone has his own regrets and unforgettable memories. Although it is an ancient book with an overhead fantasy background, it is truly and profoundly close to our lives. About obsession, about choice.
No.2 scabbard-Jindian Er & Zhong: "If you come back to me and I'm not here, please take the flowers and sit outside my door for a while. They are very enthusiastic. " At this moment, you are standing in your country. You are fighting for your people. If you are bright, China will no longer be dark. As the background camp of the spy war in the Republic of China, everyone has his own mission, and personal feelings are not so important in front of the righteousness of home and country. But I still think that the most beautiful message in the fleeting radio waves is your voice.