Last revision date: September 9, 2003
Some games and programs may not work properly after the Internet is connected to the firewall. How to solve this problem?
In order to work normally, some programs and games must receive information through the network. Information enters your computer through the inbound port. Your computer must open the correct inbound port so that the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) can allow this information to pass through. Some applications and games are listed below, and you may need to open these ports manually so that the programs can run correctly. Below the list are step-by-step instructions on how to manually open the port in the Internet connection firewall.
Application vendor port comments
File and print * * * Enjoy TCP139,445; UDP 137, 138,445
Aol instant messenger AOL TCP 443,563 is only used for file transfer.
backup Exec Veritas UDP 137; TCP 3032,3033
bright stor arc serve Backup CA International TCP 445
Beyond 7 Hummingbird Communication Consultation Document
More than 8 hummingbird communication consulting documents
Hummingbird communication consultation document of host browser
Consultation document of ICQ company
Laplink Company TCP 389, 1 183, 1 184, 1547.
Msn messenger Microsoft TCP 689 1-6900 only needs file transfer.
Consultation document of Paltalk 5.0 A.V.M software company
PCAnywhere Symantec TCP: 563 1, 5632
Trillian Sky Blue Studio Consultation Document
Vypress Auvis Vypress consultation document
Vypress Chat Vypress consultation document
win messenger vy press TCP 139,445; UDP 137, 139
WinMX front code Technologies TCP 6699; UDP 6257
Windows messenger Microsoft TCP 6891-6900 is only used for file transfer.
Port concern of game manufacturers
Microsoft consulting documents in the mythical era are only needed when hosting games.
Alien vs Predator 2 Fox Interactive Consultation Document is only needed when hosting the game.
Battlefield 1942 Electronic Arts Company UDP 14567, 22000, 23000-23009, 27900, 28900 are only needed when hosting games.
Crimson Sky Microsoft TCP 1 12 1, 3040, 2880 1, 28805 is only needed when hosting games.
Diablo 2 Blizzard Entertainment TCP 4000 only needs UDP 6 1 12 when hosting games.
Medal of Honor: Allied attack Electronic Arts, Inc. only needs consulting documents when hosting games.
Medieval Total War Activision consulting documents are only needed when hosting games.
NBA Live 2003 Electronic Arts, Inc. consulting documents are only needed when hosting games.
Need for Speed Electronic Arts TCP 9442 only needs UDP 6 1 12 when hosting games.
Need for speed: follow closely 2 electronic arts company TCP 85 1 1, 28900; UDP 1230, 85 12, 27900, 6 1200-6 1230 are only needed when hosting games.
Rainbow Six Ubisoft Entertainment TCP 2346, 2347 and 2348 are only needed when hosting games.
The rise of the country Microsoft UDP 34987 is only needed when hosting games.
Warrior of Fortune 2: Double Helix Activision Company UDP 20100-20112 is only needed when hosting games.
Unreal tournament Infogrames consulting documents are only needed when hosting games.
Warcraft 3 Sierra consulting documents are only needed when hosting games.
Wolfenstein enemy activision Inc consulting documents are only needed when hosting games.
In addition to the above list, to find the port number that the program needs to open, you can try to use the following resources:
Check the manufacturer's documentation that came with the program.
Search the manufacturer's website for information about your program.
Search your program on the Internet. There are many websites that can provide useful tips.
For information about ports, please check the websites of network technologies, such as Practically Networked.
Important: Opening ports in ICF may bring security risks and make your computer vulnerable to attacks. Open ports only when absolutely necessary.
To manually open a port in ICF:
Click Start, click Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Network Connections.
Click Network and Internet Connections.
Click "network connection"
If you are using a dial-up Internet connection, under Dial-up Networking, click an Internet connection. If you are using a cable modem or a digital subscriber line (DSL) connection, click your Internet connection under a local area network or high-speed Internet.
Under Network Tasks, click Change the settings for this connection.
Select a connection.
On the Advanced tab, make sure that the Protect my computer and network by restricting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet check box is selected.
Click "Settings".
Click "Settings"
On the Services tab, click Add.
On the Services tab, click Add.
Type a name in the service description so that you can identify the port to open. For example, "Windows Messenger file transfer". Type a name that will help you remember the service and port. You can use any name you want. This name has no effect on the function, but only helps memory.
In the name or IP address of the computer hosting this service on the network, type "127.0.0. 1".
In the external port number of this service and the internal port number of this service, type the port number (the numbers typed in both boxes are the same). To find the port number, check the list above, check the documentation of the program or the information sources listed earlier in this article.
Click TCP or UDP and then click OK.
Fill in service settings
Repeat this process for each port that needs to be opened.