These are all unanimously recognized by our guild. Li Yatou is the most suitable spokesperson for family planning advertisements. The slogan is: boys and girls are the same!
Hip hop dance steps
Lu 6184816 264389 878346 947294 243746968166 726746
LV7 3446 123 3442396 6667729 643782 1 1996868 63669 1 67 19286 688 1677 689376
LV8 7443 9986 3894 6678 4872 96 19 6387 337 8697
LV9 6486 7466 49 18 69633 1383 76 18 3297 2363 443 1 4782 8364
Mechanical dance steps
L6:644 1 286 1 4784 4764 198226 183446
28 16 2894 4944 6889 68 16 93 39 96
l8:78 17 874 1 9 19 1 63677 4386 1 38 164 29278
28933 12389
L9: 1898 1234 2379 3383 34 17 4439 4796 3893 4977 498 1 6349 7444
L6: 1848 16 264389 878346 947284 243746 968 166 726746
L7:3446 123
3442396 6667729 643782 1 1996868 636669 1 67 19286 6887677
L8:6483 7466 49 18
69633 1383 76 18 3297 2363 443 1 4726 8364
L9:7443 9986 3894 6678 4872 96 19
6387 337 8697 8839 227 13