According to the online calculation, the rainfall in Zhengzhou this time, which is equivalent to the water of hundreds of West Lakes, has been dumped in Zhengzhou. The levee burst and the subway was trapped. This time, the flood mercilessly devoured the cars in the street, roared people's houses and swallowed countless bridges.
Fortunately, the flood is ruthless, but people are affectionate. Let's unite as one, overcome difficulties and unite as one. When firemen, traffic policemen, policemen, troops and stars participate in the rescue, what is amazing is that people who can help others are amazing. During this period, many powerful people appeared, who joined hands to resist the rushing water and walked towards safety step by step. There is no eternal strong, and there is no eternal weak. Henan is in trouble, all directions support, Zhengzhou is in trouble, and all directions support.
? Never forget the past, the teacher of the future, always be kind to nature, fear nature and live in harmony with nature.