-Total population:15003; Agricultural population:14923; Non-agricultural population: 1080.
-Administrative area: 106.3 mu; Cultivated land area: 2 1349.0 mu.
-Major ethnic groups: Yi, Miao, Han and Bai. The slogan of Qing Chuan's development is: stable agriculture, strong animal husbandry, ecological countryside, cultural activity and tourism activity.
-Villages under its jurisdiction: Bandi Village, Dengdi Village, Xinhua Village, Liming Village, Xiong Ying Village, Anping Village, Qinghe Village and Xinsheng Village. Gross output value: 150 1. 1.
-Main economic industries: planting, animal husbandry and famous products: potatoes, buckwheat and black goats. Office location: Bandi Village.
Natural conditions: Leng Xia is cool in winter, with small annual temperature difference and large daily temperature difference, and abundant sunshine resources: coal, solar energy and wind energy.