The local operating system will assign protocol ports to those processes that need them, and each protocol port is identified by a positive integer, such as 80,139,445, and so on. After receiving the datagram, the destination host will send the data to the corresponding port according to the destination port number of the message header, and the process corresponding to this port will receive the data and wait for the arrival of the next group of data. Speaking of which, the concept of port still seems abstract. Keep following me and don't go away.
A port is actually a queue. The operating system allocates a different queue for each process. Datagrams are pushed into the corresponding queue according to the destination port, waiting to be accessed by the process. In extremely special cases, this queue may overflow, but the operating system allows each process to specify and adjust its own queue size.
Not only does the process of receiving datagram need to open its own port, but also the process of sending datagram needs to open the port, so that the active port will be identified in the datagram, so that the receiver can successfully return the datagram to this port.