The tracking and improvement of supplier delivery should start with the establishment of delivery improvement indicators and the understanding of the causes of problems, and gradually compare the actual and planned targets to find ways to improve delivery. Purchasing personnel should always adhere to the attitude that "prevention" is better than "cure" and be able to actively ask and communicate with suppliers before problems occur.
1. Establish delivery improvement indicators with suppliers, and make them understand the calculation basis, so as to avoid disagreement.
2. Count the types of delivery problems and understand their causes, as well as the ratio of delayed delivery to early delivery, and control key projects according to the principle of 80/20.
3. Regularly announce the delivery performance to suppliers, review the statistical records of delivery accuracy, and compare them with the delivery plan objectives.
4. Make action plans and countermeasures to improve the delivery accuracy of suppliers.
5. Continuously track, evaluate and review suppliers until the delivery time is improved. From Q user: Ms. Yang