* j (_ yc0) y8u0 phoenix blog b, kla @ 1uru-p
First, let's look at the so-called "four ancient civilizations". There is no such slogan for kindergartens in the international and academic circles, only "the cradle of several major civilizations" is similar. Even so, China is not among the "Big Four".
Phoenix Blog z'c+V E~4]
If we follow the definition of "four oldest civilized countries", then China may not even rank in the top ten, not to mention four. Its civilization began in the Shang Dynasty around 1500 BC, but it took more than 3,000 years, while other great works had existed from 2000 to 1000 before that, and the civilization of the two river basins in the Middle East began around 3,500 BC. The Nile Valley civilization in Egypt also began around 3500 BC, the Aegean civilization in Greece around 2500 BC, and indus valley civilization around 2500 BC. This is only in terms of large areas, and there are more secondary civilizations such as Hittite civilization, Assyrian civilization, Phoenician civilization, Persian civilization, Jewish civilization and so on. (These ancient civilizations are the predecessors of many countries in West Asia today, and these ancient Semites and Persians are also Jews today. According to the definition of "four ancient countries", China can only rank among these civilizations and countries. Where can it rank?
7tI8? Hp3p3h0 Phoenix Blog PU0 @ J ~ C;; @
Careful readers may find that the top four civilizations should be Middle East civilization, Egyptian civilization, Greek civilization and Indian civilization from the starting time of the civilizations listed above. There is no place for China. Why did the Greek position disappear in China's official propaganda, but it became China after 1000 years? Phoenix blog h9n-md 1mn
+G4XF/n) [EG2 0 This is not an unintentional error. In fact, it is only part of all kinds of propaganda activities that systematically belittle western civilization under the background of anti-western politics manipulated by the government for a long time. Because Greek civilization is the source of western civilization, China officials, for ideological reasons, don't want to see any information showing the superiority of western civilization, and want to belittle any aspect of western civilization as much as possible, plus the extreme hatred and jealousy of the "nationalists" in power to western civilization, so they have made such a trick.
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The reader may ask: Isn't the official in China promoting "5,000-year civilization"? Why is it actually only 3500 years?
% ZI & ampYqc, T0 Phoenix Blog BT9xO m-B#V4Q b
Then we need to understand some basic common sense and concepts in archaeology and history, and some "historians" in China have long misled and fooled people by confusing these basic common sense and concepts. This is about the difference between the two concepts of "culture" and "civilization" and several basic characteristics that constitute "civilization". Phoenix blog "h [/pf~VI'[u]
Phoenix blog; CQ |)c " A & amp; l Lg U
There are strict differences between the two concepts of "culture" and "civilization" in archaeological history (although we often confuse them in daily life). Simply put, "culture" is a concept belonging to the Stone Age, especially the primitive tribal remains of the Stone Age, especially the Neolithic Age, including the Stone Age and the Stone Age, while "civilization" belongs to the concept of the Bronze Age, especially the national stage after human beings entered the Bronze Age.
O, m RB+Ab0 Phoenix Blog MX2HA7K (D
In fact, from the etymology of the two English words "culture" and "civilization", we can clearly see the difference between them. The original meaning of the word "culture-"is "farming", which clearly shows that the original meaning of the concept of "culture" belongs to the category of primitive tribal times associated with "farming"; The original meaning of civ-, the root of the word "civilization" is "citizen", which also clearly shows that the original meaning of the concept of "civilization" belongs to the category of the Bronze Age and is related to the emergence of "citizen" and industry and commerce. (The word city comes from the variant "cit-" of the root "civ-". )
0v; o[r/wV0 Phoenix Blog # s & amp; ~6VZ*h.{k5J
The main characteristics of "civilization": writing, metal smelting, city-state, religious etiquette, etc. (defined by Jasper) is closely related to the emergence of industry and commerce. Judging whether and when a civilization started is based on the above standards and archaeological findings, instead of using myths and legends, folk stories, unofficial history's miscellaneous books, or so-called "historical records" like historical records two thousand years later than the archaeological era. This is the common sense of archaeology and history. Phoenix blog 2} gHw)cKZ;; P,S%P
Phoenix blog s Ij3uxiJ! Ohio
Someone may ask me this question: Then, why should we judge our own history by foreigners' standards, and can't we judge it by our own standards? Absolutely. However, the concepts of "civilization" and "culture" originally came from the West. Not only that, the whole method system of archaeology and history was introduced from the west. If we want to use our own standards, we can't use western concepts to preach "we have a civilization history of 5,000 years", but we should use our own words to say "we have a myth of 5,000 years". Phoenix blog. L*fnM? {@n3I
1oW Fn; P0Qc}@ [0 But according to this standard, we have a history of 5,000 years, while other countries and regions, especially those around the Mediterranean and the Middle East, are not only "5,000 years", but at least 1 10,000 years. So we still can't take advantage of anything. Phoenix blog q X(K? Return-to-zero system
Phoenix blog k @ c 4hvj
Historians in China have long confused "culture" with "civilization", misleading and fooling people. For example, primitive tribal cultures belonging to the Neolithic Age (such as Yangshao culture, Longshan culture and Liangzhu culture). ) stolen, pretending to be the so-called "civilization" era, so that the history of China suddenly advanced by one or two thousand years, or even two or three thousand years. When introducing other civilizations in other countries, we use another standard, strictly from the official starting point of other countries' civilizations (writing, metal smelting, the emergence of city-states), which virtually shortens the distance between China and those countries with the oldest civilizations, and even gives people an illusion. It seems that China is earlier than these countries and regions which actually have much earlier civilization than China. In fact, if we measure ourselves by China's standards, many countries. That's the trick. Trick. Phoenix Blog \ 9 6m: E5} "n
Phoenix blog -y\'~s QF uh$vh? m
Let's take a detailed look at the history of China and the world from the beginning.
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3f: _ p% EZ6Q * Let's start with the history of China civilization. Let's get this basic fact straight: the earliest civilization in China, Shang civilization, started around 1500 BC, 3,500 years ago, and is located in Anyang, Henan Province today. Archaeological basis: the earliest writing in Oracle Bone Inscriptions and China; Mature bronze smelting and unearthed smelting bronzes; State forms have emerged.
China culture is not the only culture among the four ancient civilizations! ! !