What are the corrupt behaviors that can meet the standards of corruption?
The causes of corruption are indeed very complicated. \r\n( 1) The existence of state power is the profound social and historical root of corruption. Marx once wrote: "The commune has realized the slogan of cheap government put forward by all bourgeois revolutions, because it has cancelled the two biggest expenses, namely the army and officials. \ "(Selected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume II, page 377) During the socialist period, the proletarian state was still needed, and the measures taken by the Paris Commune could not be fully implemented. Although it is essentially different from bourgeois countries, once the state power held by the ruling party is out of control, it will lead to corruption. \r\n(2) The negative effects of market economy are hotbeds of corruption. Take improper or even illegal means to seek personal gain in competition; Introducing commodity exchange law into inner-party life; Advocating "money worship" and trading power and money will make the weak-willed people in the party embark on the road of corruption. \r\n(3) During the transitional period between the old and new systems, there are many imperfections, which will inevitably lead to some loopholes and problems, giving corrupt elements an opportunity. \r\n(4) The ideological roots of corruption are westernization of the West, the influence of the exploiting classes and the loss of ideals and beliefs of some people in the Party. \r\n(5) The imperfect supervision mechanism is an important reason for the spread of corruption.