Guan Zhong said, "When I was poor, I often did business with Uncle Bao, and I often got more money by myself. Uncle Bao didn't treat me like a greedy man, but he knew I was poor. I used to work for Uncle Bao, but then things got even more embarrassing and got out of hand. Uncle Bao doesn't think I'm stupid, but he knows that the timing is favorable and unfavorable. I've been an official three times, and I've been driven away three times by the monarch. Uncle Bao doesn't treat me like an incompetent person. He knew that I had no luck. I fought three wars and retired three times. Uncle Bao doesn't think I am a coward. He knows that I have an old mother at home. After Miyako failed to compete for the throne for a long time, my colleague Zhao suddenly committed suicide, and I was locked in a deep prison to drag out an ignoble existence. Uncle Bao didn't think I was shameless. He knows that I will not be ashamed of losing my part, but I am ashamed that my reputation has not appeared in the world. My parents gave birth to me, and Uncle Bao knows me! "
After Bao Shu recommended Guan Zhong, he was willing to be under Guan Zhong. His descendants have enjoyed the salary of Qi for generations, and more than a dozen generations have had fiefs, often famous doctors. The whole world does not praise Guan Zhong's talent, but praises Bao Shu's ability to identify talents.