In addition to adhesion, there is another force called cohesion. This force refers to the mutual attraction between molecules in the same substance, making them form a whole. On the adhesive tape, cohesion plays a role in attracting the molecules of adhesive glue to each other, further enhancing its stickiness.
The ambient temperature will also affect the viscosity of the tape. When the temperature is high, the thermal motion of molecules intensifies, which leads to the increase of their mutual distance, reducing the contact opportunity and contact time between molecules, thus reducing the cohesion and adhesion. At a lower temperature, the thermal motion of molecules slows down, making it easier for molecules to contact and attract each other, thus increasing cohesion and adhesion. This is why tapes tend to be more sticky in cold weather.
The smoothness of the surface of the object will also affect the viscosity of the adhesive tape. On the smooth surface, the contact area of the adhesive tape is smaller, and the adhesion and cohesion are correspondingly reduced. Therefore, when using the adhesive tape, if it needs to be fixed on a smooth surface, it can be improved by strengthening the tension of the adhesive tape.
The reason why the adhesive tape is sticky is that its surface is coated with a layer of adhesive glue. When it touches the surface of an object, it forms adhesion and cohesion. Temperature and surface smoothness will also affect its viscosity. In order to improve its viscosity, the tension can be strengthened or the appropriate ambient temperature can be selected. When storing, avoid direct sunlight, high temperature and humidity to keep its viscosity.