MyPlaces (free to show my space); n 1XoLA oY
2. End the %Windows%\Explorer.exe process.
I am! M $ dn 1} guest seats 0z3r ~2\, ~k3V
MyPlaces (free expression of self-space) %q"U+W0J`l
3. Run %Windows%\Explorer.exe again through task manager or other process management tools, so that %System%\brlmon.dll will not be loaded (of course, you can use del command at cmd command line to delete them).
: Su |'at[ RGuestMyPlaces (free expression of self-space)) g 'w (||; e5}+P(m
My position] l $ b; {8C! [\
4. Delete the file: my places yz & amp; wsZ\LD
Q]raT8`2R9G! ZGuest%System%\brlmon.dll、 Rsvtub.dll、 brlmon.dll
Rsvtub.dll and RavMon.dll are new varieties, if deleted! ) MyPlaces (free display from space) \? z+P/Xw
7 @ J:e)| k & amp; Q, F JGuestMyPlaces (free expression of self-space) s9y, [H` WX6er
4JHNLy N "| Guest
o,aKY(["J! TlGuest5。 Delete the startup item added by virus:
0v Cr' ` 1o。 L guest [HKEY _ current _ user \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ current version \ running] My location k, n 1b * | a * e
" real player . exe " = " % System % \ real player . exe "
That is to say. }gy'dcGuest
& ampL * _ k # n, r \: z x "nguestyplaces (free expression from space) 8CXSrz@U)_(j
[HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ current version \ running] My location: n|, Wrd5g w
" real player . exe " = " % System % \ real player . exe "
4]l \ 0n is % u5jguestmyplaces # #gc5o6x+s0g7^t
My location is 6b7 at $ TERM
Answer! You are the sixth guest. Delete the registry information added by the virus: MyPlaces u} &;; Ngr4Z4 \ _&me]
V & AMPL Q4XJ8q "OX5A2Hguestmyplaces (free expression of self-space) 4` f&; o *]Xr; {6Q"g6E
[HKEY _ Local _ Machine \ Software \ Microsoft \ Outline] My Location &; VJ; b#o2ga6xa
MyPlaces (free expression of self-space) 2Nwbjn w*@
9~*jiZ/bl2[cGuest7。 Restore IE home page.