The main crops in this village are corn and rice. The area of cultivated land in this village is 2087.2 mu, including land 1.846 mu and field 24 1.2 mu. The per capita grain consumption is 4 12kg, and the per capita net income is 1856 yuan. At present, sheep and cattle are raised, but the scale is small and needs to be developed.
There is a teaching point and two classrooms in the village. 1 teachers, and the students in the school are all primary school students in grade 1.
Total population: 65,438+0,878; Agricultural population:1.804; Non-agricultural population: 74.
—— Administrative area: 9.95 square kilometers; Cultivated land area: 2087.2 mu.
-Major ethnic groups: Yi, Miao, Han, Li and Buyi;
-Villages under its jurisdiction: Chang Gung Group, Sambo Group, Donggua Group, Little Gan Tang Group, Ling Gang Group, Baiji Group and Xinchun Group. Gross output value: 4365438+ ten thousand yuan.
-Main economic industries: planting and breeding special products: walnuts, chestnuts and coix seed. Office location: Sambo Group.
There are 24 tourist attractions such as Guaiguai Anti-Japanese War Highway, Zhaoguang Lake, Longdong Waterfall, Sanwangping Alpine Grassland and Feishuiyan Five-level Waterfall Group near Sanbao Village. There are Qinglong green tea, Qinglong glutinous barley, Nanpanjiang yellow cattle, Qinglong navel orange, Qinglong barley and other specialties.