The gentleman said, "Good cannot be lost, and evil cannot last long. This is what Chen Henggong means! " ! If you become evil and don't repent, you will have to bring disaster to yourself immediately. If you save it, you may be confused! "
"Shangshu Pan Geng" said: "It is easy to do evil, just like a fire burning on the night of the Yuan Dynasty. If you can't get close, how can you put it out?' Zhou people once said:' When people who govern the country see evil deeds, they should cut down tall and dense plants and their taproots just like farmers have to weed, so that they cannot reproduce, and then good deeds will spread.' "
2. Classical Chinese Debate "Zuo Zhuan" translated into Lu Zhuanggong in the spring of ten years, and the Qi army attacked Lu. Duke Zhuang of Lu is ready to fight. Cao Gui asked for an interview. His fellow countryman said, "They are all high-ranking people with rich salaries. Why should they participate?" Cao Gui said: "Powerful people are short-sighted, lack knowledge and cannot see far." So the court went to visit Duke Zhuang of Lu. Cao Gui asked, "Why are you fighting?" Duke Zhuang said, "I dare not have clothes and food for my health, so I have to give it to a courtier." Cao Gui replied: "Small favors have not affected ordinary people, and ordinary people will not listen." Duke Zhuang said, "Don't dare to make false reports about the sacrificial cows, sheep, pigs, jade and silks. You must tell God sincerely." Cao Gui replied: "This little sincerity cannot be trusted by God, and God will not bless it." Zhuang Gong said: "Even if I am not good at scrutiny, I should handle cases with different severity according to the facts." Cao Gui replied, "This is something that I have done my duty. You can use this condition to fight a war. If you want to fight, please allow me to follow. "
Zhuang Gong sat with him in a chariot. The armies of Lu and Qi are fighting with spoons. Duke Zhuang intends to drum and order the March. Cao Gui said, "No." Qi played drums three times. Cao Gui said, "You can attack." The Qi army was defeated. Zhuang Gong wants to drive after him. Cao Gui said, "No." So he looked down at the marks left by the wheels of the Qi army, boarded the crossbar in front of the car, looked at the Qi army and said, "That's enough." I pursued the Qi army.
After defeating the Qi army, Zhuang Gong asked the reason. Cao Gui replied, "Fighting depends on courage. The first drum beat inspired courage, the second drum beat suppressed courage, and the third drum beat destroyed courage. Their courage disappeared, and our army was full of courage, so we defeated them. A big country is hard to estimate, and it is afraid of an ambush. I saw that their tracks were chaotic and their flags were falling, so I went after the Qi army. "
3. What does "genus" mean in classical Chinese?
1, continue; Connectivity (focusing on interconnection)
The country broke and the family died. -Historical Records, Biographies of Qu Yuan and Biographies of Jia Sheng
Crown and cap belong to the same genus. -"Historical Records Biography of Wei Gongzi"
2, editing; write
Qu Ping's manuscript is undecided. -Historical Records, Biographies of Qu Yuan and Biographies of Jia Sheng
Heng Shaoshan is a writer. -"Zhang Hengchuan"
3. get together; gather
Qi potential will be prosperous, and Chen is alone, and he will be in power for three days. -"Zuo zhuan"
4. pass the "report". Entrust; trust
Belongs to Meng Changjun. -"The Warring States Policy Qi Ce IV"
It belongs to the composition to remember. -Song Fan Zhongyan's "Yueyang Tower"
It belongs to the salt patrol empire. -"Ming History"
5. hey; Be careful. Later, it was "inspired"
If it belongs to your son, you should hide it well and don't send a vulgar son to see it. -Lu You's "North Window Test Pen"
6. dodge; excuse
[Building houses according to law] is often an incurable disease. -"Purple Tongzhi Sword"
7. preach "foresight". watch out for
The purpose of the teacher. -"Zuo Zhuan Ding Gong Fourteen Years"
I am afraid that the sense of belonging of China people is invisible to me. -"Mandarin Golden Five"
The people sitting there are all humble. -"Han Shu Gai Kuan Rao Biography"
Step 8 wear
Don't die, hold the whip in your left hand and keep your right hand, just to deal with you. -"Zuo Zhuan Xi Gong Twenty-three Years"
9. Follow
When Xiang Wang crossed the Huai River, there were more than 100 riders. -"Historical Records of Xiang Yu"
10, inverted by "note" (zh).
Taking mysterious wine belongs to respect. -"In the Soul of Li Yi's Poetry"
Water belongs to the sun. -"Zhou Li Kao Gong Ji craftsmen". Zheng Xuan's Note: "Genus, read as a note."
4. What does classical Chinese mean? 1. Definition: Classical Chinese is a written language based on ancient Chinese.
Classical Chinese is an article composed of written language in ancient China, mainly including written language based on spoken language in pre-Qin period. Classical Chinese comes from vernacular Chinese, characterized by writing based on words, paying attention to the use of allusions, parallel prose, and neat melody, including strategies, poems, words, songs, stereotyped writing, parallel prose and other styles.
2. Features: The characteristics of classical Chinese are: separation of speech and writing, concise writing. Compared with vernacular Chinese (including spoken and written language), the characteristics of classical Chinese are mainly manifested in grammar and vocabulary.
3. Structure: (1) The so-called judgment sentence is a sentence that uses nouns, pronouns or noun phrases as predicates to judge the subject. Its common form is as follows: 1). "... Zhe, ... is also" ",... is also" ",... Zhe also" "... Zhe, ..." "... Zhe also" and so on.
For example, "Chen She people are also from Yangcheng." (historical records. Chen She family)-Bobby Chen is from Yangcheng.
(2) "Although Cao Cao is a famous Han Xiang, he is actually a Han thief." (Zi Jian) ③ Yi, an ancient sharpshooter.
("Guanzi Situation Solution" back to 64) 4 "Four people, Lu Zhi, father of Changle Wang, father of Yu, father of An Shangchun." (Wang Anshi's trip) (5) If you are shocked, Zhou didn't make a move.
2) Adverbs "Nai", "Namely", "Ze", "Du", "Shi", "Cheng" and "Wei" are used to express judgment. This is the autumn when I was in service.
"(1) I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is this evening. (2) is now in the tomb.
(3) Fu Liang that chu will Xiang Yan. (4) This is the grand view of Yueyang Tower.
3) Use the negative adverb "Fei" to express negation. Such as: "Six countries collapse, not bad soldiers, bad wars, bad Qin.
"(1) Climb high and recruit, and you can see far without lengthening your arms. (2) The city is not high, the pool is not deep, the soldiers are not strong, and there are not many meters.
(3) The North Sea is not too mountainous. Passive sentences In classical Chinese, the subject of some sentences is the receiver of action, which is a passive sentence.
Its common types are: 1). See ... see ... in the passive voice. For example, "I often laugh at a generous family.
"(1) I'm afraid to see deceives you. (2) Qin Cheng was afraid that he could not get it, but saw his bullying.
(3) so confused in Zheng Xiu, deceives in yi cheung. (4) Li, seventeen years old, is good at classical Chinese and knows all six arts. He has unlimited time to learn from Yu Yu.
2) For, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for Yu ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... For ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for ... for
"(1) to die, laugh for the world. (2) For the country, no ambassador will be taken away by Wikipedia.
(3) Serve the Group in terms of income. (4) first fear for fuck.
Inverted sentences in ancient Chinese are relative to the sentence order in modern Chinese. Based on this, we divide inversion sentences in classical Chinese into prepositional object, attributive postposition, adverbial postposition and verb inversion. 1). Preposition object The so-called prepositional object is the component that is usually used as an object and placed in front of the predicate verb to express emphasis.
For example, the word "zhi" in "disagree" is the prepositional object. Preposition objects are usually divided into four situations.
(1) In interrogative sentences, interrogative pronouns are objects and prepositional objects. What is the king doing here? Wes, who are we going home with? (2) In negative sentences, pronouns are objects and prepositions are objects.
For example, "ancient people are not arrogant." (3) Advance the object with the help of "Zhi" and "Shi".
For example, "I don't know the sentence, but I'm confused." "Studying hard is urgent and rare.
(4) Preposition objects in prepositional phrases. For example, "Why else would the book be here?" 2) Attributive postposition usually puts the attribute before the head word, but there are many sentences in classical Chinese that put the attribute after the head word.
For example, "Earthworms have no advantages as minions, but their bones and muscles are strong. They eat soil and drink yellow water, but also with their hearts. " Among them, "benefit" and "strength" are post-attributes.
The attributive postposition in classical Chinese has the following situations. (1) Postposition the attribute with "zhi".
For example, "How many people are there in a big world?" (2) Use the postposition of "zhe". For example, "a horse can travel thousands of miles and eat one stone at a time."
"3. Adverbials are postpositioned in ancient Chinese. Preposition structures are adverbials and are often placed after sentences as complements. For example, "to be rich" is a prepositional phrase that is placed at the end of a sentence as a complement.
4). verb inversion is rare and is often used to express strong exclamation. I'm very sorry, but you are not well.
""come on, wind. " "Beautiful, I am a youth in China.
"[Exercise] Judge the sentence patterns in the following sentences. (1) It is impossible to protect the people and be king.
(2) There is no difference in love between the king and the people. (3) What is virtue, then you can be king? (4) How do you know I can do it? Elliptic sentences in classical Chinese generally contain ellipsis. Grasping the ellipsis helps to fully understand the meaning of the sentence.
The provincial sentence in classical Chinese is usually: 1). Omit the subject. (1) Carry forward the former provinces.
For example, "there are different snakes in Yongzhou wild, black and white." (2) carry forward the province.
For example, "Pei Gong said to me,' Gong' I'm going to join the army and enter the army. ""(3) self-reported provinces.
For example, "(giving) love is a stream. When it enters two or three miles, (giving) is the home of those who are particularly unique." (4) Dialogue province.
Such as: "(Mencius) said:' Dule (yuè) Music (lè), Tongle (yuè) Music (lè), which music (lè)? "(The king) said,' If you are not with others. "2). Omit the predicate.
For example, "One drum is full of energy, then (drum) will decline and three drums will be exhausted." 3). Omit the object.
For example, "You can burn it and leave." 4). Omit the prepositional object.
For example, "read it in public, let the mink out and cover the door." 5). Omit the preposition "Yu".
Today, the clock was put in the water, although no sound was heard in the storm. [Exercise] Fill in the omitted components in the following sentences.
(1) ran's taste in also, so the surname is creek for Ran Xi. (2) Therefore, Ximen Bao is a famous imperial edict.
(3) It's two strategies, not passive music. (4) all the mountains are flat and covered.
Fixed structure (1) and questionable fixed structure are: helpless, how, how, how, what, what, if ... what, such as (nai) ... what, which is it, is it ... which one is it? Take my treasure instead of our city What can we do? (Biography of Lian Po and Lin Xiangru) My son brought his elk to our city to relax. What? (Battle of the Wars) How about 3 being different from each other? ("Zuo zhuan Qi Huangong Chu") (4) What about pot calling the kettle black? (。
5. What is the meaning of "harmony" in classical Chinese? Hello.
Basic explanation
1, followed by: timely. Can't catch up.
2. Attainment: Pass, pass. And (selection in ancient imperial examinations, especially taking the Jinshi). Popularize. Too much is too late.
3. use, multiply: timely. Very early. Try to be at the forefront.
Sunlight, air and water are the basic conditions for living things. And ... [ 1]
detailed description
1, I know. Oracle Bone Inscriptions glyph, from people, from hands. It means that the people behind catch up and catch the people in front with their hands.
2. Catch up and catch up.
And, catch also. -Xu Shen's Shuowen in the Eastern Han Dynasty
Make people chase the song dynasty, and qi, kill it. -"Historical Records of Xiang Yu"
Needless to say, it will be self-sufficient. -Zuo Zhuan Yin Gongyuan
Another example: too late (too late); Reach (hope to catch up); Timely (can catch up); Meet (meet); Timely response (seasonal orders).
3. reach out, reach out.
Moreover, to also. -"Guangya"
Due date. -"Rites and Brides"
It's better to be buried and not meet. -Zuo Zhuan Yin Gongyuan
And the county, Yi Taishou, said so. -Tao Qian's "Peach Blossom Spring"
The river is on the boat. -Thirty-three Years of Zuo Zhuan
Soup is within reach. -"Everything is ready, Yu Lao"
The needle stone is also within reach.
There will be and. It is not too late. )
Terrible and clear, will there be? -Han Jia translated "On Accumulation"
And yes, the more I feel sincere. -Liu Tang Zongyuan's Little Rock Mountain
You are in trouble. -Wei Ming Xi, Biography of Big Iron Vertebra
Reciprocal, bite to bite? -Huang Daozhou's Biography of Yuan Gong
4. Wait and wait.
And Japan and China are like plates. -"Liezi Tang Wen"
Its day is like exploring soup.
(Yuan Keli) and Dragon, with different numbers. -Huang Ming Daozhou "Festival Atlas Yuan Gong Chuan"
The enemy's guns are coming again. -Qing Xu Ke's "The Battle of Clearing Banknotes"
Both. Wait until you get on the boat. And: wait until. It's already started. )-Qing Yao is Mount Tai.
Such as: and husband (and so on).
5. suffer.
The man with a short shovel is close to the enemy. Almost like the enemy, he was wounded by the enemy and the war was extremely fierce. )-"Everything is wrong"
Comparable with ..., comparable with ...
How did Gong Xucan contact you? -"The Strategy of War"
Scorpions' disciples are not as clever as Confucius. -Han Yu's "Shi Shuo"
I'm not as good as him.
7. Tired; Relevance.
I am old, and I am old. -"Mencius Hui Liang Wang Shang"
If so, this will definitely affect me. -"Biography of Li Hanguang"
Another example is: the punishment is not as good as the public; The city gate caught fire, which affected the fish in the pool.
8. Pass "give". Supply.
However, if the money in the big field runs out, why not? -"Guan Xu"
9. It's time ...
Lu Su went to find Yang. -"Tong Zhi Han Jianji"
For Xuzhou in the north, powerful families invite marriage. -Liang Shu Wei Fangchuan
And the husband autumn clear, first frost dew. -Song Ming Lian "Wang Song Temple"
10. It's everywhere.
Ze is eternal, not benevolent. -"Zhuangzi Generation Master"
Push the sea, ze birds and animals. -Epitaph of Mr. Dongpo
The others are outnumbered and not in Gigi. Please hit them. -Twenty-two Years of Zuo Zhuan
Another example is: while today; And fleas (morning. Flea: through "morning").
And ... and ...
Twists and turns and bridges. -"Purple Tongzhi Jijiantang"
The twists and turns and the four realms.
After Yuan (the son of Yuan Shu) became a monk, he carved more than ten kinds of Wang Juesi's calligraphy. -Qi Ming watch home "qi Zhong Min diary"
Deduct his hometown and surname. -Wei Ming Xi, Biography of Big Iron Vertebra
Music and poetry. -Cai Yuanpei's "Photo Collection"
Another example is Confucius and his disciples.
If there really is a criminal and honest and kind person.
1 means rhetorical question, which is equivalent to "yes".
What failed my predecessors? -"Zuo zhuan"
2, said the frequency, equivalent to "and".
Children are poor and should be raised by disciples; Rent a house in time to provide food and clothing. -"Historical Records"
3, indicating the degree, equivalent to "pole".
Originally, he was born in six cases of Confucius in our government, and his knife and pen were good. -"Water Margin"
Last name. And last name. [ 1]
6. What do you mean by writing classical Chinese?
Verb meaning:
1, pictophonetic characters. From the noise. Original meaning: displacement; Location.
Write and save. -"Shuo Wen". Vulgar words should also be used for diarrhea.
Write water with water. -"Zhou Li Scarecrow"
When the cow enters, it is destroyed. -"Zuo Zhuan Zhao Zhuan Gong for four years". Note: "The writer is empty."
Royal food is given to the monarch, and the monarch gives the rest. Don't write the irrigation utensils, and write the rest. -"Book of Rites, Quli Shang". Note: "The writer who came over is also eating."
2. transportation.
Sending stones from Beishan is the material to write about Shu and Jing. -"Historical Records"
3. pour out; Speak; Express delivery.
Go on road trip writes my mind. -"Poetic Style and Spring Water"
Write, except also. -"Guangya"
I wrote it in my heart. -"Poetry, Xiaoya, Painting by the Above". Note: "Then I got worried, so I wrote and left."
Why do you have to bear it? Send this poem; Why write thoughts? Remember the words. -Jin Lu Yun "The Lost Title"
4. Copy writing (only "book" was used before the Han Dynasty, and "book" and "writing" were used together after the Han Dynasty).
Writing a book is an official and a foster mother. -"The Biography of Were Ban Chao"
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed a writer. -"Han Shu Literature and Art"
It's ridiculous that this man is so confused that he reads and writes until midnight. -Song Wentong "Ridiculous Slogan"
5. Roger that.
"Sandu Fu" was written and disputed. -"The Book of Jin Zuozhuan"
A sleepy writer hasn't published it for some time. -Qing Gu answered Yu Shu
6. imitation; Describe it.
Voice of Lei Zhen, you can write the clock. -"Huai Nan Zi Ben Jing"
Serious writing needs loneliness and crying. -Sui Li broadcasts "Sunday Xiang Fu"
7. Draw.
A wall box announced that Dan Qing had been summoned and wrote four happy faces of Tang Priest and his disciples. -Journey to the West
Draw shadows and write light. -Cai Yuanpei's "Photo Collection"
8. writing; Creation.
There is a way to write an article. A clever mind will inspire, and rationality will become art. -Sun Li's Collection of Lu Xiu's Works
9. Signature.
10, lease; Determine a lease or employment relationship.
Now I have written two big official ships, and all the fire cards required by the Ministry of War have been merged. What posts have the whole family gone to? -"Biography of Marriage to Wake the World"
It says brother's boat. -"Warning of the World"
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