First, go to the company's trade union to defend rights, but it is basically futile. Always harassing them. Maybe they will be angry, maybe they will help you.
Second, find an influential leader, at least above the level, please, the effect will be more obvious, but I guess you don't;
Third, when the project leader who owes you salary gets the money, my conscience finds that I estimate it will take a long time;
Fourth, extreme ways, or directly turning against the project leader, or shouting slogans and banners at the company office (or government gate), looking for news media to track videos or upload them online. The bigger the noise, the better; This method is the worst policy. If it finally works and the money is obtained, the labor relationship between you and the company will be over;
5. Admit your bad luck, quit, quit and leave! Otherwise it will sink deeper and deeper.