Confucius searched for bones in the eggs of so many famous officials, and finally mentioned the person he admired: the son of Wu, which is really something. When the country is stable, he will have wisdom: give full play to his intelligence and wisdom and finally serve the country and the people; Whenever there is civil strife, he is stupid: he hides his wisdom, hides his strength and bides his time, and waits for opportunities. Many people can do his wise practice; His foolish behavior is unparalleled!
When Wei Wengong was first established, Weiguo experienced many drastic changes in its early days. According to historical records, "Wen Wen Gong was first established, and his crime was lightly punished. In order to protect the people, he worked hard and shared joys and sorrows with the people. " Later, Woods was appointed as a doctor to help Wei Wengong. Guo Wei lived in peace for nearly 30 years under the leadership of Wei Wengong.
After the death of Wei Wengong, Wei fell into turmoil again. In three years, Wei Chenggong (the son of Wei Wengong) attacked Chenggong. When Wei Chenggong was ready to rebel, the State of Jin sent troops: it turned out that Jin Wengong was rudely treated by Wei Wengong when he fled through Guo Wei. Later, Jin sent troops to save Song, but Wei Chenggong refused to accept Xu Jinjun's parking to protect his family. So Jin Wengong and Zhong Er used this slogan to fish in troubled waters.
There is a rebellion inside and a strong enemy outside. Wei Chenggong will speak 36 times, and walking is the best policy. He fled to Chen first, and then to the central government-Zhou. With the coordination and help of the Zhou Dynasty, he not only escaped the evil hands of the State of Jin, but also successfully reconciled with Zhong Er, Jin Wengong. So he returned home to defend his country, killed the traitor Yuan Min, exiled the puppet monarch, regained power, reunited with the once-in-office doctor Zunwuzi, began to make great efforts to continue to display his talents, and the country was stable and prosperous again.
For example, compared with Chen Wenzi above, they can all do it. But when "the country has no road", the performance of the two is different: whenever Chen Wenzi goes to a country, he thinks that the world is as black as a crow, so if he violates it, he can't stay anywhere. In this way, the country will lose one person who can make a difference, and the "bad guys" will lose one opponent and become even more unscrupulous. However, martial arts experts are smart and stupid, saving their energy and waiting for opportunities. This kind of cultivation is not something that ordinary people can do. In the long history of China for thousands of years, it has experienced many national upheavals and regime changes, and few people can be entrusted with the heavy responsibility of being young for several dynasties.
Therefore, Confucius lamented that he was "unattainable", and Zheng Banqiao, a gifted scholar in the Ming Dynasty, also lamented: "It is more difficult to be smart, more difficult to be confused, and it is more difficult to change from smart to confused!" From this we know why Confucius married his niece to Nanrong.