1, a river of autumn water, still clear and blue. The autumn mountains on both sides of the strait are still welcoming people gracefully. When the Cangjiang River bends a few times, there are several clusters of reeds and several curved villages dotted there. When you are sitting in the cabin, as long as you look up, you will see the red leaves of Chinese tallow trees on the river bank and the green hills in the sky not far away.
The lake is surrounded by continuous peaks. The lake is green and crystal clear. When there is no wind, the level is like a mirror, and the shadows of white clouds and green hills are reflected on the lake, and the mountains and rivers blend together. Fish, large and small, shuttle through the water, as if swimming between mountains and white clouds, making people feel like they are in a fairyland. The mountains on both sides of the river are deep and blue. The mountains are often covered with snow, and the river is as clear as jade.
4. The mountains and rivers here are as beautiful as Zhong Ling, the cottages here are quiet and ancient, the mountains and rivers here are lush, the ponds here are sparkling, the smoke here lingers in the mountains, the kitchen smoke rises above the stockade in the morning and evening, the mountains here are connected with the sky, the water is connected with the mountains, and the landscape plants, ancient buildings and folk customs are all moving in a simple and natural ecological environment.
Looking up at Tianhu Mountain, I saw rugged mountains, lush trees, vast blue sky and misty clouds just constitute an elegant ink landscape painting.
6. In the distance, the peaks stand tall, the mountains are connected, the green is steep, and the clouds cover the fog. The shadowy mountains are like a sleeping fairy, covered with cicada-like gauze, affectionate and silent.
7. Although the mountain is silent, it is not. The waterfall that falls straight down is its roar like a crack in the ground; The gurgling stream is its beautiful piano sound; The gurgling spring is the display of its wonderful sound; The roaring pines are the mountain's protest against the strong wind; The crisp ticking is the record of the mountains to the past years.