The procedure is something like this: meet and say hello. Before asking you, introduce their company from beginning to end. About how good the company is and how big its business scope is. If you work in this company, what are your future prospects and so on. I lied to you about coming an hour before the interview. The interview passed easily. Then hand in 60 yuan insurance certificate, plus 20-30 yuan textbook fee. Generally speaking, if you sign a contract after passing the examination, you have to pay liquidated damages to 300 yuan, and you can't leave your job within six months.
Brainwashed, singing morning songs and shouting slogans every day. The form is a bit like pyramid selling. I don't know if you can stand it.
In terms of treatment, it is estimated that it is almost like this: 10,000 yuan of business will be done within three months after signing the contract. After that, it was said that an irresponsible basic salary of 2,000 yuan per month was given. I can't do it. I will return to zero and start again in three months. Commission funds are all hype, but I still don't understand. It is said that the most important thing is not to do business, but to recruit people into their company. If the recruitment is successful, the manager will get a bonus. "The more people, the bigger the market." This is their marketing concept. Think it over.