2. Pan Hu in Yuanling said: Long before Qu Yuan, there were dragon boats in Yuanling. Yuanling Dragon Boat originated in ancient times, and the object of sacrifice was Pan Hu, the ancestor of the five rivers. After Pan Hu's death, six tribes feasted on the wizard and invited God to bring him back to life. Because of the dense mountains and rivers in Yuanling, the wizard didn't know where his soul had fallen, so he asked all ethnic groups to build dragon boats and look for shouts by stream and river, which eventually evolved into a witch worship activity of rowing and evoking souls.
To commemorate the dragon god, it is said that a long time ago, there was no river in the west bank, only a small and dirty ditch. One day, a fisherman caught a small snake in a ditch. This little snake is very strange. There are nine shiny scales on its tail. As soon as the fisherman touched the fish scale, the snake's eyes shone with begging light, which was very pitiful. The fisherman felt sorry for it, touched its scales and put it back in the ditch. Who knows, the nine scales suddenly fell off, and the little snake danced and turned into a little dragon. It turned out to be a dragon, and it became like this because it broke the dogma and was punished by the jade emperor.