The original sentence is in German: Zwei Dinge erfuellen das Gemuet mit immer neuer und zunehmender Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht, je oefter und anhaltender sich das Nachdenken damit beschaeftigt: der bestirnte Himmel ueber mir und das moralische Gesetz in mir.
Chinese translation: There are two things. The more deeply and persistently I think about them, the wonder and awe they arouse in my soul will change and grow with each passing day. These are the starry sky above my head. and moral laws in the heart.
Kant (the founder of German classical philosophy) generally refers to Immanuel Kant (the Latvian-German writer and the founder of classical philosophy):
Immanuel Kant (German Text: Immanuel Kant (April 22, 1724 - February 12, 1804), born and died in K?nigsberg, Germany, was a Latvian-born German philosopher and writer, the founder of German classical philosophy, and his theories deeply influenced the modern West. philosophy, and initiated many schools such as German classical philosophy and Kantianism.
Kant was the last major philosopher during the Enlightenment and a representative figure in German thought. He reconciled the rationalism of René Descartes with the empiricism of Francis Bacon and is considered one of the most influential thinkers in the West after Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.