Rich people are easy to treat, but poor people are difficult to treat. What if I know? When the people get rich, they go back to their hometowns. When they return home, they are afraid of sin and easy to cure.
People who are poor are in danger in the countryside, while those who are light are cheap at home. If they are in danger of their hometown and despise their families, they dare to ban it, and it will be difficult to eradicate it. Therefore, those who govern the country are often rich, and those who mess with the country are often poor.
Those who take goodness as their country must enrich the people first and then govern the people. Generally speaking, to govern a country, we must first make the people rich, so it is easy to govern when the people are rich, but difficult to govern when the people are poor.
How did you know? When people are rich, they will settle down in their hometown and cherish their homeland. When they love their hometown in Anxiang, they will respect the monarch and fear punishment. When they respect the fear of sin, governance is easy. When people are poor, they will feel uneasy about living in the countryside and look down on their homes. If they feel uneasy about living in the country and despise their homes, they dare to confront the monarch and violate the ban. If they resist the ban, it will be difficult to govern.
Therefore, a well-governed country is often rich, and a chaotic country is bound to be poor. Therefore, a monarch who is good at governing the country must first make the people rich and then govern the country.
The kings of the past 79 generations had different legal systems and different orders, but everyone was the king of the world. Why? The country will be rich and strong, and the millet will be abundant. Rich countries and rich countries were born in agriculture, so Wang Gui comes first.
Anyone who is anxious for the country must first ban the skillful end, and at the end of the skillful end, it is forbidden to travel without food. People who travel without food will have to plow the fields. Private farming means land reclamation, land reclamation means more millet, and more millet means national wealth.
The country is rich and the people are strong, and the soldiers are strong and the people are wide. Therefore, the late king knew that all people, Qiang Bing, a vast land and a rich country would be born in Suye, so it was forbidden to work at the end to stop Kit Kat and benefit agriculture.
I don't cook kit kat today, but I will cook five eclipses a day. The farmer's work all year round is not enough to support himself.
But * * * gave up skills and finally did it. If you give up your skills, you will achieve nothing, the land will be barren and the country will be poor.
Once upon a time, emperors' statutes and political orders were different, but they all unified the world. What is the reason? It must be because the country is rich and has a lot of food. Most of the country's wealth comes from agriculture, so the first generation of holy kings attached importance to agriculture.
Any urgent task of governing the country must first ban luxury industry and commerce and luxury goods manufacturing. If these are banned, people can't wander around begging for food, so they have to engage in agriculture. When people engage in agriculture, their land will be reclaimed. When the land is reclaimed, food will increase and the country will become rich. The country is rich and the people are strong, and the war will win if the soldiers are strong. If defeated, the land will be vast.
Therefore, the first generation of sages knew that the population was large, the military strength was strong, the territory was vast, and the national wealth must come from grain, so they all banned extravagant industry and commerce and the production of luxury goods to facilitate the development of agriculture. Now people engaged in luxury goods industry and commerce and luxury goods production can eat for five days a day.
Farmers work all year round, but they can't support themselves. In this way, the people gave up agriculture and engaged in luxury industry and commerce.
Abandoning agriculture and engaging in luxurious industry and commerce will make the land barren and the country poor. Every farmer who is less than a month old and over one year old is also eager to levy and give him double the loan.
Sometimes, people plow the fields, but they don't plow enough, so they have to borrow twice as much money to get the money. Autumn five, spring a bundle, is also a double loan.
Therefore, the above-mentioned certificate was taken from the people four times, rented by the Guan family, and collected from the treasury eleven times. The four times should also be doubled. The husband supports four masters with one citizen, so those who flee can't stop their punishment, and the people have nothing to accumulate.
The characteristic of all agriculture is that the monthly income is often insufficient, and the annual income may be more than enough. But the government is in a hurry to collect taxes and has no time. Farmers have to borrow "one for two" usury to cope with the above expropriation.
There are seasonal restrictions on plowing and weeding, but the rain may not be timely enough, so farmers have to borrow usury to hire people to water the land. The price of grain bought by merchants in autumn is "five", and the price of grain sold in spring is "ten", which is also a usury.
Therefore, if the above demands are counted, there are four places that can ask farmers for multiples, because the city's rent tax, the collection of the state treasury, one-tenth of the grain collection, and all kinds of labor add up. Add it up all the year round, and it is equal to a usury.
A farmer has to support four creditors, so the monarch can stop the outflow of farmers when the fugitives are punished. This is because there is little food and farmers have no savings. To the east of Songshan Mountain, between the river and the secluded place, fleas are born and died late, and where the grain lies, four kinds of five get it.
Middle-aged acres of two stones, one husband is millet two hundred stones. Today, the granary is empty and the people have no accumulation. Farmers who live on porridge have no ability to forget it.
Therefore, the former king made it easy for farmers, scholars, businessmen and workers to communicate with each other, and the annual income was not the same. It is based on the people.
When people cultivate a piece of land, cunning is not innate. Land reclamation leads to more millet, and millet leads to national wealth.
Clever and cunning will not give birth to * * *. Rich and rule, Ben Wang Zhidao also.
From the eastern foot of the mountain to the Yellow River and Rushui. Crops grow early and set late, which is a good place to increase grain production.
Sowing is being done all year round, and all crops are being harvested. In the middle of the year, the grain yield per mu is two stones.
A worker can plow 100 acre and collect 200 stones. Now that the national granary is empty, the people have not accumulated it.
Farmers sell their children and women because the monarch can't balance the people's income. Therefore, the first generation of holy kings always paid attention to the exchange of industries among farmers, scholars, businessmen and workers, and their annual income could not exceed each other.
In this way, farmers specialize in agriculture, and their income can be balanced with other industries. Farmers who concentrate on farming will be reclaimed, and cunning will not happen.
When the land is reclaimed, there will be more grain, and the country will be rich and have more grain. Without cunning, the people will be stable again.
Being rich and stable is the road to success. If you don't give birth to millet, your country will die; if you give birth to millet, you will die; if you give birth to millet, you will not die.
Millet also, the people return; Xiaomi is also, and wealth is also; Millet also belongs to the land. If there are more millet, everything in the world will dry up.
So Shun moved to a city, to Chengdu and to a village. Shun punishment is not strict, prohibition is not heavy, but the people return to it, and those who leave will suffer, and those who follow will benefit.
Wang Weimin did what he wanted first, so all the people in the world joined him. The so-called profit-seekers, benefit farmers; The so-called pest control, it is forbidden to harm farmers.
If you win farming, you will receive more millet, and if you receive more millet, you will be rich. If you are rich, you will go back to your hometown. If you go back to your hometown, you will change your customs and drive away many immigrants. As for killing them, people are miserable. This service is also successful.
Weak agriculture leads to less millet, poor millet leads to poor people, and poor people lead to light families. It's difficult to change the master's position, so it's not feasible to make it, to ban Fukashi, and the war is invincible, so it's not necessary to be solid. There is no need to order.
2. I am eager to find an ancient classical Chinese about the way of governing the country. Haha, the most famous is, of course, "Ten Thoughts on Emperor Taizong"! [Tang] I heard that the elders who seek wood must be deeply rooted [1]; Those who want to flow far [2] will dig their springs [3]; A man who considers national security will accumulate his morality.
The source is not deep, but it flows far. Roots are not solid, but seek the length of wood. If virtue is not thick, the country will be safe. Although I am stupid, I know it is impossible, but it is wise to assess the situation. When a person is an artifact [4], he is the largest in territory [5]. He will worship the rigor of heaven and keep the rest boundless forever, never considering being prepared for danger in times of peace, and refraining from extravagance and frugality [6]. Virtue is not thick, and he can never get it. He will also cut off his roots and let the wood flourish, blocking his source and trying to flow to the elderly. Every 100 heads of state [7] accept the fate of heaven and earth [8], but they are full of worries, talk loudly, become famous, and lose their morality. A good beginning is complicated, but a good ending is few [9].
Is it difficult to take away the easy things and keep them? I took it before, and I still have a surplus. What's the point of staying until today? If a husband is worried about yin [10], he must be single-minded; If you succeed, you will be addicted to pride [1 1]. Wholehearted wuyue [12] is an organic whole, and pride is the way of flesh and blood [13].
Although Dong Zhi severely punished him [14] and angered him [15], he finally excused himself mercilessly, with a respectful face but unconvinced. There is not much resentment, but people are to be feared, and it is advisable to be cautious when carrying a boat to capsize.
If you can see what you want, you will quit contentedly; There will be a work [16], and then I want to help people in Zhi Zhi; Humble and self-grazing at high risk [17]; If you are afraid of flooding, you will think of all the rivers under the river [18]; Music disc tour [19], and then think about the degree of three drives [20]; If you are worried about slacking off, start cautiously and end with respect [21]; If you care, you will think modestly and accept it; Fear of evil is thinking of evil [22]; If you add grace, you will think there is no reason to be happy; If you are punished, you will think that there is no abuse of punishment because of anger. The sum of these ten thoughts, Hongzi Jiude [23].
Jane can do it [24], choose good and follow it, then the wise do their best, the brave do their best, the benevolent sow their benefits, and the believers serve their loyalty [25]. In the civil-military dispute, the monarch and the minister have nothing to do, so they can travel to Henan as much as possible, support Joe's life, and play the piano without saying anything.
Why bother thinking hard instead of thinking about it? [26]- selected from the punctuation book Old Tang Book Wei Zhi Biography by Zhonghua Book Company.
3. I am eager to find an ancient classical Chinese about the way of governing the country. Haha, the most famous is, of course, "Ten Thoughts on Emperor Taizong"!
When I hear the elders who seek wood, I will strengthen their roots [1]; Those who want to flow far [2] will dig their springs [3]; A man who considers national security will accumulate his morality. The source is not deep, but it flows far. Roots are not solid, but seek the length of wood. If virtue is not thick, the country will be safe. Although I am stupid, I know it is impossible, but it is wise to assess the situation. When a person is an artifact [4], he is the largest in territory [5]. He will worship the rigor of heaven and keep the rest boundless forever, never considering being prepared for danger in times of peace, and refraining from extravagance and frugality [6]. Virtue is not thick, and he can never get it. He will also cut off his roots and let the wood flourish, blocking his source and trying to flow to the elderly.
Every 100 heads of state [7] accept the fate of heaven and earth [8], but they are full of worries, talk loudly, become famous, and lose their morality. A good beginning is complicated, but a good ending is few [9]. Is it difficult to take away the easy things and keep them? I took it before, and I still have a surplus. What's the point of staying until today? If a husband is worried about yin [10], he must be single-minded; If you succeed, you will be addicted to pride [1 1]. Wholehearted wuyue [12] is an organic whole, and pride is the way of flesh and blood [13]. Although Dong Zhi severely punished him [14] and angered him [15], he finally excused himself mercilessly, with a respectful face but unconvinced. There is not much resentment, but people are to be feared, and it is advisable to be cautious when carrying a boat to capsize.
If you can see what you want, you will quit contentedly; There will be a work [16], and then I want to help people in Zhi Zhi; Humble and self-grazing at high risk [17]; If you are afraid of flooding, you will think of all the rivers under the river [18]; Music disc tour [19], and then think about the degree of three drives [20]; If you are worried about slacking off, start cautiously and end with respect [21]; If you care, you will think modestly and accept it; Fear of evil is thinking of evil [22]; If you add grace, you will think there is no reason to be happy; If you are punished, you will think that there is no abuse of punishment because of anger. The sum of these ten thoughts, Hongzi Jiude [23]. Jane can do it [24], choose good and follow it, then the wise do their best, the brave do their best, the benevolent sow their benefits, and the believers serve their loyalty [25]. In the civil-military dispute, the monarch and the minister have nothing to do, so they can travel to Henan as much as possible, support Joe's life, and play the piano without saying anything. Why bother thinking hard instead of thinking about it? 〔26〕
—— Selected from The Biography of Wei Zhi in Old Tang Dynasty, a punctuation book by Zhonghua Book Company.