"Speak slowly and be kind" means to speak steadily and cautiously; when thinking in your heart, you should think about good things.
“You should be slow in words and kind in heart” comes from Wang Ji’s "Memories to the King of Changyi" written by Wang Ji during the Western Han Dynasty: "You should be slow in words and good in heart and quick in deeds." The bones should be strong, the Qi should be soft, the ambition should be big, the courage should be small, the heart should be empty, the words should be truthful, the wisdom should be increased, the blessings should be cherished, the worries should not be far away, and the worries should be close.
Translation: Be steady and cautious when speaking; think about good things in your heart. The backbone should be strong, the temper should be gentle, the ambition should be lofty, the courage should be cautious, the mind should be modest, the speech should be honest, the wisdom should be improved, and happiness should be cherished. If you don't think far ahead, trouble will soon come.
Wang Ji (? - 48 BC), whose courtesy name is Ziyang, was born in Langyagaoyu in the Western Han Dynasty (today's Xigaoyu Village, Wenquan Town, Jimo City). He was a doctor and admonished the officials. The young man was eager to learn, so he was awarded the post of Youcheng of Ruolu County for his filial piety and honesty, and was soon promoted to Yunyang County Magistrate. During the reign of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, he promoted virtuous people to serve as the lieutenant of the King of Changyi.
Extended information
As a doctor, Wang Ji dared to give direct advice to doctors, leaving a well-known story.
Liu He, the king of Changyi, was greedy for wine and lust, liked hunting, and did not care about political affairs. As a result, the people worked too hard and complained. Wang Ji gave his advice, but it was not adopted.
After the death of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty, the general Huo Guang came to power and Liu He was welcomed as the emperor. Wang Ji once again went to Shu to persuade Liu He to respect ministers and be diligent in state affairs, but he was still rejected. Liu He was deposed for sexual immorality after only 27 days in office. When he was the king of Changyi, most of his officials were implicated and were executed or imprisoned. Only Wang Ji and his doctor Gong Sui were spared death because of their repeated admonitions.
During the reign of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, Wang Ji was appointed as a doctor to advise the officials. In response to the current abuses of the royal family at that time, such as extravagance and nepotism, he advised Emperor Xuan to appoint talents and abolish the system of insidious raids; he advocated frugality and cherishing financial resources. , in order to rectify the administration of officials and maintain honest people's customs, so that the country can prosper. He is China's earliest advocate of late marriage. Wang Ji advocated that the purpose of late marriage is to achieve "immortality" and "Mingjiaohua", which means "eugenics and good education".
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Ji