This king is Tang Daizong, who said a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages? Don't be deaf or dumb, don't be a family man. ? The cause of this sentence lies in a dispute between Tang Daizong's favorite Princess Shengping and Xu. Princess Shengping was born in a noble family, and her mother was Cui Guifei, who was loved by emperors. Princess Shengping was virtuous and intelligent since she was a child, and she was quite talented, and she had a high position among all the princesses.
Princess Shengping married Guo Ziyi's son when she was an adult. In the Tang dynasty, the atmosphere was more open, and the status of women was higher, especially the princess. The princess's position was much higher than that of Xu's, which led many Xu's at that time to endure the oppression of the princess and not dare to complain. Although Princess Shengping is dignified and reasonable, she is somewhat arrogant as a princess since she was a child. Princess Shengping once went out to dinner and returned to Guo Fu very late. That day happened to be Guo Ziyi's birthday party, and Princess Shengping didn't go back to Guo Ziyi's birthday party in time. This made her husband think that his wife was very rude and disrespectful, and he was very angry and had a big fight with her. Noisy, Princess Shengping's husband was extremely angry, and he spoke wildly, claiming that his father was self-effacing and had no heart to seize power, which made the Li family sit firmly in the country, otherwise the country would have changed hands.
these words are extremely outrageous. Princess Shengping was very angry. The next day, she went into the palace to find her father and cried, and relayed his words to Tang Daizong. However, Emperor Taizong was not as angry as Princess Shengping imagined, but comforted her. And encourage her to go home and talk with Xu, and patiently solve the contradictions and misunderstandings between them.
Later, when Guo Ziyi heard about this incident, he knew that his son's words and deeds were improper, and he was afraid that the emperor would punish his family, so he hurried into the palace to plead guilty to the emperor. The emperor smiled and told Guo Ziyi that famous saying. It means that parents should not care about the jokes between their children and expose the matter without delving into it. Tang Daizong's atmospheric understanding is admirable. This incident was also passed down as a much-told story, which was compiled into a drama by later generations and handed down.