The Avengers in Tokyo is a film directed by Tsutomu Hanabusa, starring Tomomi Kitamura, Yamata Yuki, Yosuke Sugino, Meiying Imada, Nobuyuki Suzuki, Hayato Isomura, Masataro Mugu and Yoshizawa Ryo. It was released in Japan on July 9th, 20021.
Based on Vakuijian's comic book of the same name, the film tells the story that Hua Yuan Wudao was pushed onto the railway track on the station platform, and at the moment of preparing for death, Hua Yuan Wudao traveled through time and space to return to the juvenile offenders 10 years ago, challenging the fiercest organization in Kanto, "Tokyo Yezeng".
The final outcome of The Avengers in Tokyo is that the resurrection of Mount Tai comes at a price, Natsume is not fully resurrected, and part of his soul is missing. Chun Hu needs to collect something to say goodbye to Naoko, and learns that Ri is still alive. He takes Naoko to see Ri, but he refuses and leaves before meeting Ri.
character introduction
1, Huayuan Fifth Avenue
Huayuan Wudao is a wage earner living in poverty. One day, he learned that his only girlfriend in junior high school was Orange Day and was killed by the vicious and evil party organization "Tokyo Club". On the second day after learning of this incident, Huayuan Fifth Avenue was pushed off the platform at the station. Just when he realized that he was killed on the spot, I don't know why. After opening his eyes, he found that he had crossed 12 years ago.
Back to the peak of life through time and space-12 years ago, in junior high school, in order to save his girlfriend and change himself who has escaped everything so far, Wudao decided to launch a life Jedi counterattack.
2. Jiro Mitsuru Sano
Tony's commander-in-chief is called "invincible Mikey" I grew up with my eldest brother Shinichiro and my half-sister Emma, who was taken care of by my grandfather and worshipped my eldest brother who used to be a delinquent boy. He has a very high fighting talent since he was a child, and he can easily beat the delinquents in high school when he was in primary school. In order to protect everyone, he set up the East Association with Sangu and others.