Lin Zexu said, "If my descendants are like me, they will do nothing with their money. If they are wise and rich, they will harm their aspirations; if their descendants are not as good as me, they will do nothing with their money. If they are foolish and rich, their faults will be aggravated."
It means that if my descendants are like me, I don’t need to leave money to them. If a virtuous person has too much money, it will kill his fighting spirit; if his descendants are mediocre, there is no need to leave money to them. Give him, being dull, too much money, and it will increase his faults.
It is a couplet written by Lin Zexu to teach his descendants.
Extended information:
Lin Zexu shocked the world with his feat of banning smoking and resisting the British. He was also praised for his rigorous family management and good education of his children.
Lin Zexu asked his children to be upright, upright and honest as officials, not to be burdened by fame and fortune, and never to take a penny from the people or subordinates in addition to their salary.