1. Wang Yangming: Therefore, those who are determined are motivated by the desire to learn; being a scholar is determined by their determination.
2. Mo Zhai: Those who are not strong in ambition are not wise enough.
3. Confucius: Three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will.
4. Chen She: The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan.
5. Lu Kun: Poverty is not shameful, but shame is poverty without ambition.
6. Cao Cao: As an old man, he aspires to a thousand miles; as a martyr, in his old age, his ambition is endless.
7. Su Shi: Those who accomplished great things in ancient times not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance.
8. Li Qingzhao: He was a hero in life, but a hero in death. He still misses Xiang Yu and refuses to cross the Yangtze River.
9. Zuo Zongtang: I don’t have half an acre, but I worry about the world; I have read thousands of volumes, and I have friends with the ancients.
10. Liao Zhongkai: The most important thing in life is the spirit, and the spirit is renewed day by day, and the virtue is renewed day by day.