Story Confucius and Children
Confucius was a famous great thinker and educator in ancient my country. He was knowledgeable but never complacent. When he was traveling around the country, on his way to Jin, he met a seven-year-old boy who blocked the road and asked him to answer two questions before giving way. One is: Why do geese call so loudly? Confucius replied: The goose has a long neck, so it cries loudly. The child said: The frog's neck is very short, why does it make a loud cry? Confucius was speechless. He felt ashamed and said to his students, "I am not as good as him, but he can be my teacher!"
Even a saint must maintain a humble attitude and place himself in the lowest position outside his area of ??expertise.
Management is not a knowledge that only geniuses can master, but every ordinary person, every imperfection, every one is full of such Knowledge that can be mastered by people with such shortcomings. In the words of management master Drucker: "If an organization requires genius or superhuman management, then it cannot survive. An organization must have such a form: it can function normally under the leadership of a collective leadership composed of ordinary people. "
Managers must be good at listening to the opinions of grassroots employees, be humble, adjust their mentality in various ways, trust their subordinates more, grasp the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, and look at everything from a connected and comprehensive perspective. . Communication is the basis of cooperation. Managers must know how to use communication methods to ensure maximum cooperation from colleagues and subordinates. Refusing to communicate means refusing to cooperate with others. In business management, people who are good at communicating with others must be good at cooperating with others; people who are not good at communicating with others must also be bad at cooperating with others. Managers who are good at communicating with others can exchange sincerity for the support and trust of their subordinates. Even if the management is too strict, their subordinates will understand and implement it seriously; managers who are not good at communicating with others will not be willing to accept the orders even if they are repeated. , the result will inevitably be slow work. Okuda was Toyota's first non-Toyota family president, and during his long career he earned the love of the company's employees. He spends 1/3 of his time in Toyota City, often chatting with the company's more than 10,000 engineers, talking about recent work and difficulties in life. Another 1/3 of the time was spent visiting 5,000 dealers to listen to their opinions. Ericsson is a "century-old store". Company employees have the opportunity to interview with the human resources manager or manager in charge once a year, and with the help of their superiors, they can develop personal development plans to adapt to the company's business development. The company's decision-makers believe that for an enterprise to maintain its leading position, the most important thing is to keep the overall quality of its employees leading.
(I don’t know the answer to this question, but I searched it for you)