Inspirational quotes in Spanish
Introduction: You have seen a lot of Chinese inspirational quotes, but what about Spanish inspirational quotes? Below I have compiled Spanish inspirational quotes. , everyone is welcome to read.
Spanish inspirational quotes
1. 131. If it were me, I wouldn’t waste my time here. Yo no perdería tiempo en eso.
2. Con el servicio de ambulancia? Emergency ambulance service? (In case of emergency, call an ambulance)
3. The loss caused must be borne by the breaching party bear. Las pérdidas será asumida por la parte incupliente.
4. Okay., market analysis points out that the main users of the product are the elderly. I want you. I want you.
6. 117. Can I make a request? Puedo pedirle un favor?
7. In addition, I would like to know about the investment environment in your country. Can you give me your phone number?
9. 141. If we can't Once your payment method is accepted, further review will be disabled. Si no podemos aceptar su forma de pago, no podemos seguir negociando.
10. It mainly depends on you. Esto depende de usted.
11. My address is...
12. 208 I think we can meet the deadline. 13. The purpose of my visit is to explore the possibility of establishing trade relations with your company. Nice to meet you.
14. Mucho gusto. Nice to meet you.
15. 2. We will reserve a few nights for you to enjoy freely.
Dejaremos varias noches libres para que lo disfrute. Inspirational short sentences in Spanish
1. It’s a mule or a horse. You’ll know it over time - a mas anos mas desenganos;
2. God rewards those who work hard-a dios rogando y con el mazo dando;
3. In the face of any difficulty, maintaining inner peace is the best way to deal with it-a cualquier dolor,paciencia es lo mejor;
4. Contentment is a good lesson - a gato satisfecho no le preocupa raton;
5. I am too anxious to eat hot soy milk - a su tiempo maduran las uvas;
< p> 6. The more hard work you put in, the more rewards you will get - a pan duro, diente agudo;7. Don't hit a smiling person - a nadie le amarga un dulce;
8. When you are young, you wander, and when you are old, you become a wanderer - a mochedad oeiosa, vejez trabajosa;
9. The day when the flowers bloom again, the day when no one can look back - al llegar a la vejez , se oye y mira lo que no es;
10. Everyone is for me, I am for everyone-al que se le necesita,nada se le niega;
11. Friends Like old wine, the older the better -amigo viejo,y vino anejo son lo mejor;
12. The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring -amor con amor se paga;
13. Friends like pigs and dogs shake their heads when they have no money - amistd por interes no dura ni un solo mes;
14. Think everything three times and never regret it afterwards - antez que te cases, mira lo que hace;
15. Behind a noble man, there is usually a virtuous wife-atras de un gran hombre hay una gran mujer;
16. Life lies in the continuous cyclical movement- arroz que no se menea,se quema; ;