said, "Although I don't know who he is in your master's book, I know what he means." Liu Bei's book was shown to the officials, saying, "Lord
in the official book, Jingzhou was entrusted to me, and I was instructed to measure it myself before appointing it. Even so, when Guan Pingzhi came here today,
he intended that Yun Changgong should take this important task. Yun Chang wants to be sworn in Taoyuan, so he can try his best to protect this place. The responsibility is not light, and the public < P > should encourage him. " Yun Chang did not refuse, but graciously accepted his promise. Kong Ming gave a banquet and delivered the seal. Cloud long hands to pick up. Kong
Ming held the seal and said, "This is all about the general." Yun Chang said, "A gentleman will not rest until he dies."
Kong Ming was unhappy when he saw that Yun Chang said the word "death". If you want to stay away, your words have come out. Zhuge Liang said, "What if Cao Cao < P > comes with his troops?" Yun Chang said, "Reject it by force." Then Zhuge Liang said, "What if Cao Cao and Sun Quan, < P >, rise together?" Yun Chang said, "Divide our forces and refuse." Zhuge Liang said, "If so, Jingzhou will be in danger.
I have eight words, which the general should keep in mind, and I can keep Jingzhou. " Yun Chang asked, "Those eight words?" Kong Ming said, "North < P > rejects Cao Cao, and East and Sun Quan." Yun Chang said, "What the strategist said should be from the heart."
Reference example:
A mountain peak in the snow
Liu Xiaozhong, Hunan Yongzhou No.1 Middle School.
Today is the thirteenth day. Even