This sentence is indeed from The Analects of Confucius:
The original text is: Lord Ye asked Confucius about Zi Lu, but Zi Lu was wrong. Confucius said, "If a woman doesn't say anything, she is also a human being. She is angry and forgets to eat, and she is happy to forget her worries. I don't know that old age is coming."
Ye Gong asked Zilu what kind of man Confucius was, but Zilu didn't answer. Confucius (to Zilu) said, "Why don't you say that he (Confucius) is so angry and hardworking that he forgot to eat, so happy that he forgot all his worries and didn't even know that he was getting old. What a good answer! "
Confucius said, "If you don't get angry, you don't get angry, you don't get angry, you don't get angry, you don't get angry, you don't get angry, and you don't get angry."
Bandit: I want to say it, but I can't say it. Corner: corner.
Confucius said, "Don't remind me until you are thinking hard; Don't guide until you feel speechless. If you can't give an example to understand three similar problems, don't teach him any more. "
I won't enlighten you until I can't get through all kinds of thinking, and I won't remind you until I want to say it. For example, if you name one corner of a table, he can't answer you with three corners. I won't tell such a student anything new.