Story: The Lost Dog
Once Confucius went to Zheng and got separated from his disciples. Confucius stayed in a daze by the east gate of the city wall. Someone in Zheng said to Zigong: "There is a man by the east gate. His forehead is like Yao, his neck is like Gaotao, and his shoulders are like Zichan, but from the waist down, he is three inches different from Dayu. Looking at his tired appearance, he looks like a "lost dog". This passage told Confucius everything. Confucius smiled calmly and said: "To describe my appearance like this is really an exaggeration. But to say I look like a homeless dog is true! This is indeed the case! ”
Famous saying: Learning without thinking is in vain, thinking without learning is perilous.
You can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new.