There is a law in the state of Lu: people in the state of Lu are slaves in other vassal States, and those who can redeem them can collect ransom from the state treasury. On one occasion, Zi Gong, a disciple of Confucius, redeemed a Lu nationality in a vassal state and refused to accept the ransom from the state. Confucius said, "Give (the name of Zi Gong), but you don't take good measures. What saints do can change customs and influence the behavior of ordinary people, not just personal matters. Now there are fewer rich people in Shandong and more poor people. If you take back the ransom of the country, it will not damage the value of your behavior. If you refuse to take back your ransom, the Lu people will not be willing to redeem their compatriots who have become slaves. " Luz saved a man from drowning. The man thanked him for sending a cow, and Luz accepted it. Confucius said, "In this case, there must be many people in Lu to save the drowning man."
Confucius also had a disciple named Yan Hui, who was very famous. At that time, Confucius and his disciples were from Shandong, which is now Shandong. At that time, the war was raging, and a country captured soldiers from other countries and turned tattoos on their faces into slaves. Many prisoners of war in Lu are slaves of other countries. In order to save these slaves, the Lu government issued preferential policies. If people redeem slaves in the state of Lu, they can not only pay the ransom, but also get government rewards. However, Yan Hui redeemed many slaves in Qi, which was praised by people, but Confucius told him angrily that your move would hurt the prisoners of Lu, and no one dared to redeem them in the future. Yan Hui was surprised. Confucius said that you are a rich class, and you can have a lot of money to redeem slaves for free, but most Lu people don't have the money. If they redeem slaves in the future, people will definitely compare you and look down on him, but they can't afford it financially. When Yan Hui woke up, he immediately went to reimburse the reward.