..... We have a general who advocates that the army should increase wages. Many comrades agree, but I am against it. His example is that capitalists eat five bowls ... It is our political nature to struggle hard. Apples were produced in Jinzhou, and it was autumn in the battle of western Liaoning. There are many apples in people's homes, and our soldiers didn't take any. I was moved by the news. On this issue, the soldiers consciously think that not eating is noble and eating is despicable, because this is the people's apple. Our discipline is based on this awareness. This is the result of the leadership and education of our party. People should have a little spirit, and this is where the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat comes from. ……
This is a story too far away. The party has not been educated like this for a long time. The "revolutionary spirit" has long been invited away by Deng. Deng said that party member is also a human being and has secular desires. If leading cadres indulge themselves, the consequences are obvious to all. You have been clamoring for high salary and honesty. If you don't pay a high salary, you will be corrupt. How "righteous" and a little "this is the people's apple" and "it's despicable to eat it"?
Mao stressed that "hard work is our political nature". Please recognize the word "political nature". Hard work is no longer an image statement, but its essence is a fundamental change in political stance! Is the fundamental opposition to the people!