Walking, Selai asked the rich to say the first maxim. The rich man said, "Listen: if someone tells you that being a slave is better than being free, don't believe it!" " "Sally felt naught, but he still kept a straight face and then asked him the second sentence. The rich man added, "If someone tells you that walking is better than riding a donkey, don't believe it!" " Sailai fully understood that the rich man was teasing him, but he still held his horses and let him say the third sentence. The rich man snickered to himself and said proudly, "Well, I'll pay you the last bill: if someone tells you that there are more idiots in the world than you, don't believe it!" " "
Cele suddenly let go of her hand, and with a bang, the box fell to the ground and the porcelain was smashed. The rich man flew into a rage and called him a fool. Sailai pointed to the box and smiled and said to him, "I'm not stupid, and I know how to say proverbs." Listen: if someone tells you that the porcelain in the box is not broken, don't believe it! "