1, the teacher teaches, the apprentice is the rule. Wen Gong gave up on himself and was miserable. When you see the good, follow it, and when you smell the just, accept it. Be gentle and filial, not arrogant and impetuous. If it is not false evil, it is positive. If you live regularly, you will have virtue. The color is neat and the center is required. Stay awake at night and be sure to wear clothes. Learn at dusk, be careful. This kind of incomprehension is the principle of learning. "pipe? Disciple paste
2. The way of university, mingde, people-friendly, perfect. Zhi Zhi then has a decision, then he can be quiet, then he can be quiet, then he can be safe, then he can think about it, and then he can get it. Things have a beginning and an end, and things have a beginning and an end. If you know the order, you will find a shortcut.
Those who want to be obviously superior to the world in ancient times should rule their country first, and those who want to rule their country should rule their home first; If you want to reunite with your family, you should first repair your body; If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first; If you want to be correct, be sincere first; To be sincere, you must know first, and you must know the style. Everyone knows everything, everyone knows it and is sincere, sincere and upright, upright and upright, well-trained and well-groomed, well-groomed and well-governed, well-groomed and well-governed. From Tian Zi to Shu Ren, one is based on self-cultivation. If the end of the treatment is messed up, it won't work. Thick is thin, thin is thick, and there is nothing. This is called knowing it, and this is called knowing it. "University"
3. Destiny is nature, truth is truth, and cultivation is teaching. Tao can't be separated for a moment, and non-Tao can be separated. So a gentleman is wary of what he can't see, and fear is almost unheard of. Don't be invisible, don't be subtle, so a gentleman is cautious. Emotions are not expressed, but expressed in the middle of festivals. If you are in the middle, you are the biggest in the world; He who is in harmony is also in the world. Neutrality, the position of heaven, the education of all things. doctrine of the mean
4. Zhong Ni said: A gentleman is gentle, but a villain is gentle. Gentleman's doctrine of the mean, gentleman and time; A villain is mean, and a villain will do whatever it takes.
Confucius said: Enough is enough! People rarely last long.
Confucius said: I know I can't. The knower goes over it, but the fool doesn't. The road is unknown, I know it. The sage has passed it, and the unscrupulous person is inferior to it. People seldom know the taste after eating and drinking.
Confucius said: it is useless to say it. doctrine of the mean
5. Confucius said: the road is not far away from people, and people are far away for the road, not for the road. Shi Yun: Wako Wako is not far away. There is still a long way to go to beat Ke. Therefore, a gentleman rules people by man, and that's it. Loyalty and forgiveness are not far from breaking the law. Do as you would be done by. doctrine of the mean
6, the gentleman is in his place, not exceeding the moment. If you are rich, you will be rich, if you are poor, you will be poor, if you are barbarians, you will be barbarians, and if you are in adversity, you will be in adversity. A gentleman is not complacent. In the upper position, there is no resentment, and in the lower position, there is no resentment and no resentment. Therefore, a gentleman is easy to live in, and a villain is desperate and lucky. Confucius said: shoot like a gentleman, lose its power and seek its body. doctrine of the mean
7. Sincere and sincere, I don't know what is good, and my heart is not sincere. Honest, heaven also; Honest people, people's way is also. Honest people don't want to go in, but don't think about it, calm and wise. Those who are sincere choose good and stubborn. Be knowledgeable, interrogate, think carefully, distinguish clearly and persist. If you learn, you can learn from it. If you ask a question, you will know what to do. If a person can do it, he will have a hundred; if a person can do it ten times, he will have a thousand. Can do this, stupid is wise, soft is strong. Self-honesty is nature; Self-knowledge and sincerity are called teaching. Sincerity is clear, and clarity is sincere.
Only by being sincere in the world can we do our best, do our best, do our best, do our best, do our best, do our best, do our best, praise the teaching of heaven and earth, and do amazing things. doctrine of the mean
8, or born to know, or learn to know, or trapped to know, and know it. Do it safely, profitably or reluctantly, and you will succeed. Confucius said, "Learn to be close to knowledge, practice to be close to benevolence, and be ashamed to be brave." Knowing the three, you will know why you practice. If you know why you cultivate yourself, you will know why you treat people. If you govern the people, you will know why you govern the country. doctrine of the mean
9. Everything is ready, and nothing is ready. Make rules before speaking, make rules before doing, make rules before doing, and make rules before doing. doctrine of the mean
10, great! The sage's way is grand! The development of everything is extremely steep in the sky. Yo-yo Etiquette 300, dignity 3000. Treat others and do it. Therefore, there is no way without virtue. Therefore, a gentleman respects morality and seeks knowledge. Both broad and subtle. Very clear and gentle. Review the old and learn the new, with trepidation. Not arrogant and impetuous in the former residence, but not inferior; There are state-owned roads, and their words are enough to prosper the country; There is nothing the country can do. Silence is enough. The poem says, "Be wise, be wise, and protect your body." This is called peace! doctrine of the mean
1 1, jade is rough and abrasive; People don't learn or know. He is a citizen of the ancient king, and teaching is the first. "Saving Life" said: "Reading begins with learning." That's what it means! Although there are good dishes, I don't know its purpose; Although there is supreme Tao, learning, I don't know its goodness. Therefore, learning is not enough, and teaching is difficult. If you don't know enough, then you can reverse; Know its difficulties, and then be self-reliant, so say: teaching and learning learn from each other. Redemption says, "Teach half." That's what it means! Book of rites? Xue Ji
12, and then regardless of its safety, people can't help but be sincere and teach people not to be loyal; What it does is the opposite, and what it seeks is Buddha. However, if you are a husband, you will learn from him and get sick from his teacher. You will suffer from his difficulties and not know his benefits. Although it will end in a career, it will go quickly. Teaching is not punishment, that is why! The law of college students is forbidden to be called in before it is made. What can be called a time is called a grandson, and it is called a mo. These four things are also well taught. If you send it and then block it, it will be invincible; If you study outside your time, you will work hard and it will be difficult to achieve anything; Miscellaneous giving without grandchildren, bad and chaotic without repair; Studying alone without friends is ignorant; Yan Peng betrayed his teacher; Yan Bi abandoned school. These six things are all taught and abandoned. Book of rites? Xue Ji
13. A gentleman knows both teaching and being taught before he can be a teacher. Therefore, the gentleman's teaching metaphor is also, Tao is modest, strong and restrained, and open. Tao leads to harmony, strength leads to restraint and opening leads to thinking. Harmony and easy thinking are good metaphors. Book of rites? Xue Ji
14, the scholar made four mistakes, and the teacher must know. People learn too much, or lose too little, or lose too easily, or stop. These four hearts are different. Know his heart, and then you can recover his loss. Teachers should also learn to be good and save the lost. Book of rites? Xue Ji
15, a good scholar, learning from others, getting twice the result with half the effort, so mediocre; Poor scholars and diligent teachers get twice the result with half the effort, so they complain a lot. Those who are good at asking questions, such as attacking wood, are easy at first, and then their programs are talked for a long time. People who are not good at asking questions are the opposite. Be kind to questioners, such as ringing the bell, ringing the small one, ringing the big one, being calm, etc., and then make good use of it; People who are not good at answering questions are the opposite. This is the way to learn. Learning backrest problems is not enough to be a teacher. You must also listen to the language, but you can't ask and then speak; I don't know what I said, but I can give up. Book of rites? Xue Ji
16, the gentleman said: Dade is not an official, the avenue is not a tool, Daxin does not keep his promise, and time waits for no one. Observe these four things, and you will be interested in learning. The three kings sacrificed to Sichuan, which is also the first and last sea; Or the source, or the Committee. This is called a service manual. Book of rites? Xue Ji
17, Master's teaching also made disciples feel peaceful, happy, relaxed, erratic, sober and strict. If these six things are learned, the way of evil monarch will be blocked, and the art of reasoning and righteousness will win; If you can't learn these six things, then you can't make them ministers, fathers can't make them sons, and teachers can't make them disciples. People's feelings, restless can not be happy, unhappy can not be satisfied. Take pleasure in it and treat saints with ridicule? If you are corrupt, you should persuade him. Suffer for it and treat it badly? Although sages can't last long. Contrary to all human feelings, you have to convince the school. "Lu Chunqiu? False behavior
18, people who can't teach: the ambition is not harmonious, the choice is changeable, and there is no perseverance. If there is no angry place; It's easier to talk every day, and do whatever you want; If you lose yourself, you will not be self-righteous and unable to justify yourself. Those who see power, relatives and wealth, regardless of their materials, do not observe their actions, drive and teach them, flatter them, if they are afraid; Disciples lead an honest and clean life, are handsome and knowledgeable, and learn to be sensitive to diseases. At the end of their careers, they will refrain, stop, be jealous and do evil; Disciples come to the end of their lives, but they are uneasy at home. I was ashamed of my parents and brothers when I came back, and ashamed of my friends when I left. This scholar is also sad, and this master and apprentice are also unfaithful. People's feelings and evils are different from their own, and this master and apprentice also have resentment. People's feelings can't kiss what they complain, can't praise what they hate, and the failure of their studies and the abolition of Taoism are born from now on. A good teacher is not. If you treat a disciple as yourself and teach yourself, you have to teach. If you add it to others, you must be feasible. If so, the master and the apprentice are the same. People's feelings are loved by themselves, praised by themselves, helped by themselves, learned by Zhang Ming, and learned by Taoism. "Lu Chunqiu? False behavior
19, everything is long and short. So are people. Therefore, a good scholar can make up for his shortcomings by being dumb. Therefore, dummies have the world. No ugliness, no evil. You can't be ugly, ignorant of evil or sick. It must be ugly, it must be evil, and it is still acceptable. Although there are still awesome and desirable people, what about the good position? Therefore, the bachelor said: debate is indispensable. This is to teach you to argue and do what you can. Teaching discussion. Words without deeds are tantamount to putting on brocade. "Lu Chunqiu? User "
20. There are no white foxes in the world, but there are white scorpions, which are taken from white. The three emperors and five emperors made great contributions because their husbands took them away from the public. Fan Jun's position is beyond the public's understanding. Making a decision and giving up the others is the end and losing its foundation. In the end, I lost my roots and didn't know how to live. So we have nothing to fear, Meng Ben, Wu Huo, Yao and Shun. If you have many husbands, this gentleman will be a great asset. "Lu Chunqiu? User "
2 1, the rule of spring and autumn, man and me; Therefore, those who govern people, I also, benevolence and righteousness; Treat others with kindness and correct me with righteousness; Therefore, benevolence is human, righteousness is for me, and words are human. Benevolence is to others, and righteousness is to me, so we can't ignore it. None of us have it. It's against benevolence and self-interest, and it's against justice to frame people, so it's never chaotic. They are old friends who don't want to mess around, but they often mess around. Anyone who hides the difference between people and me has no righteousness. Therefore, the spring and autumn period is the law of benevolence and righteousness, and the law of benevolence and righteousness lies in loving others, not loving me; The law of righteousness lies in the right self, not in the right person; I am not self-righteous, although I can be upright, I am upright; People who are not loved by them love themselves, but they are not kind. "Spring and Autumn Story? Renyi law
22. Righteousness means that you should be in me, and you should be in me, and then you can get righteousness. Therefore, people who talk about benevolence and righteousness are in harmony with me and should think of a word. In doing so, the meaning is that I am also talking. Therefore, those who are righteous for something are complacent, and those who are unjust for something are self-defeating; A righteous person is called self-rightness, and a righteous person is called self-rightness; With this participation, I also understand the significance. It is benevolence, benevolence goes, and righteousness comes; Benevolence is far, righteousness is near; Love is in people, which means benevolence, and righteousness is in me, which means righteousness; The benevolent Lord, the righteous Lord I also; Therefore: the benevolent, the righteous, I also, this is also called. "Spring and Autumn Story? Renyi law
23. Therefore, nature is better than grain and goodness is better than rice; Rice produces grain, but the grain is not all rice; Goodness comes from nature, but not all nature is good. Goodness and rice, what people inherit from heaven is outside, not what heaven does. What Heaven does is to stop at a certain point, which means that there is nature inside, people outside and things outside, and sex should also become a virtue. "Spring and Autumn Story? Deeply examine its name. "
24. Sex is like eyes, which are quiet and awkward. When you feel it, you can see the quality, but you can't. Nowadays, all human nature has its qualities, but it is not perceived. For example, those ignorant people wait for it, and then teach it. When it is not perceived, it can be said to be good or bad, just like the eyes. If you look at it coldly, your words can be seen. God will do it if you don't feel it. What Xiao Tian did called it, so it was called the people. The common people speak very solidly, but they are still awkward. In its name, it is reasonable to get it. It is the right name born in heaven and earth, called temperament. The temperament is the same, and the sentiment is good. What's your feeling? Therefore, saints are bad in nature and tired in fame. If there is yin and yang in the sky, human nature is ruthless, and if there is no yin in the sky, the poor theorists suffer all the time. "Spring and Autumn Story? Deeply examine its name. "
25. All benefits are like water, infertility dike, Fukashi. The ancient king knew this, so he ruled the world from the south, with education as his main task. Imperial academy established a country as a religion, making it a city, gradually making the people benevolent, treating the people with friendship and saving the people with courtesy. So the punishment is very light, no criminals are educated, and the customs are beautiful. Chunqiu story
26. Heaven means life, life is not a saint; Simply called sex, sex can not be cultivated; People's desires are called feelings, and feelings are unrestrained. Therefore, the king is willing to accept God's will and obey his orders. The next thing is to educate the people and let nature take its course; Just law, don't practise fraud in order to prevent desire; Fix these three, and the big book will be lifted. Chunqiu story
27. To be a good teacher, you should be not only beautiful, but also cautious. This is called sanctification, and I accepted it. Chunqiu story
28. A wise man knows far from the blessings and fleas, knows that things change with time, knows that things come back when they are prosperous, sees the beginning and knows the end, dares to speak in disorder, stands firm but does not give up, does not contradict before and after, and finally has lessons, thinking without hating. It goes without saying that it is simple, clear and economical. Chunqiu story
29. Therefore, if you choose what you like, you must close your business first, so that you can taste it; If you choose what you like, you must learn first, but you must do it. Confucius said, "Little people are successful and practice." "A new book? Fu Bao "
30. Yi Da Chuan: "The world is consistent and full of worries, and the same return is different." The husband's yin and yang, Confucianism and Mohism, fame, law and virtue, this matter is also the governor, straight from the word, and there is a province. history
3 1, learn, do and go up; In short, the second time; Teaching and educating people is second. Nothing is salty for everyone. mind which perceives both the past and future
32. Or: "Learning is useless, such as quality?" "I haven't thought about it. If a husband has a knife, he will be punished, and if he has jade, he will be punished. If it is not good, how to use it? Quality lies in mistakes. Otherwise, drop out of school. " mind which perceives both the past and future
34. Learning to govern, thinking but refined, friends and grinding, reputation and worship, tireless in the end, can be said to be eager to learn. mind which perceives both the past and future
35, scholars, so cultivated. See, listen, say, see, think and have sex. Learning is right, otherwise it is evil. mind which perceives both the past and future
36. If you are used to learning, will you really win by learning? Will you really win by learning? The scholar's judgment in the play is only practical! Or: "How do you know it's Xi?" Yue: "Look at the sun and moon to know the lightness of the stars, and look up to the saints to know a little." mind which perceives both the past and future
37, a scholar, so seek to be a gentleman. There are those who can't get it, and there are those who can't get it. A horse riding a horse is also a horse riding a horse. A person ashamed of himself is also a person ashamed of himself. Or: "Yan Tu is easy?" He said, "Yes, it is." He said: "In the past, Confucius was tasted strictly, Kauff tasted it, and Si tasted it. If you don't want to be embarrassed, it's already embarrassing. What is it? " mind which perceives both the past and future
38. Or, "You can't hunt unless you plow. What about ploughing and hunting? " He said: "If you cultivate the Tao and hunt for virtue, you will get it. I can't see the comparison between Chen and Shen. I am a gentleman who acts with virtue. Who is a good person, a saint? " A hundred rivers learn from the sea, but as for the sea, mountains learn from mountains, not from mountains, and wicked people paint. mind which perceives both the past and future
39. There are more than 1000 copies, but less than 1 10,000 copies. Spacious and elegant, authorized to read, with professors as teachers are all people. According to its meaning, those who have lost their sentences, memorized their books or made arguments are scholars. Studious and diligent, knowledgeable, there are many in the world; Writing books and articles, discussing ancient and modern times, can't tolerate one. But there are also books and articles written by Broadcom. When you see wood, you know everything; When you go out into the wild, you know everything. However, you can't cut down trees to build houses, and you can't gather grass into a square. That's why vegetation can't be used. Futong people have a wide range of knowledge, not to mention. This is the owner of a hidden book. Confucius said that "reciting poems for 300 times is not up to the standard of politics and religion", and flowers and trees cannot be cut down. Confucius took Historical Records as the Spring and Autumn Annals, and his creative ideas of conception, praise and criticism, reward and punishment. He is no longer a reporter, because of history, his thoughts come from his chest. Anything you know can be used, that is, he reads aloud, although he has read more than 1000 poems, parrots can talk and so on. Spreading the meaning of the book and making effective speeches are not talents and cannot be appointed. People who know everything are better than others in the world; Writers, through the world, are happy. In modern times, Liu Zizheng and his son, Yang Ziyun and Huan Junshan were famous for their literary talent, martial arts and Duke of Zhou. The rest are straight, but often natural. It is rare to find pearls and jade, so it is precious. In general
40. Confucian scholars are good believers, not ancient ones. They think that sages are nothing more than words, specializing in giving lectures, and I don't know how to ask. Husband, sage, sage write articles and carefully examine them. It has not been fully realized. What is this situation and how safe is it? You can't be everything, and people don't know when it is difficult; Or, when the meaning is difficult to understand, people don't know to ask. The words of the case are contrary; Its text, multi-phase cutting before and after. Scholars all over the world have to know. In general
4 1, the method of learning is not because of lack of talent, it is difficult to distance ourselves from teachers, verify the truth of Tao and prove right and wrong. The way to ask difficult questions is not necessarily aimed at saints and life. The human explanation says that people must be taught by saints and dare to speak. There are questions you don't understand, (all the way) [chasing] Confucius, why hurt righteousness? If you have the knowledge of spreading the sacred karma, why is it irrational to attack Confucius? It is said that Confucius' words are difficult to understand, and the world is full of talents and knowledge. Those who can answer questions will certainly enlighten the difficult words (right and wrong) in the world. In general
42. It is useless to be wise without teaching, and it is useless to be foolish without teaching. The man of the mean is ignorant without teaching. The ancient holy king had the method of prenatal education: pregnant in the third month, leaving his palace, seeing no evil, hearing nothing, and listening with courtesy. The jade edition of this book contains all the essentials of the golden chamber. The child coughs, and the teacher Bao Gu understands filial piety, benevolence, propriety and righteousness, and guides the ambition of Xi. Where ordinary people can't do anything, when it comes to infants and young children, we should understand people's colors and emotions, so we should teach them, and if we can, we should stop them. Compared with a few years older, you can save punishment. Parents are dignified and kind, and children are timid and filial. I see the world, there is love without teaching, and everyone can't; Eating and drinking, doing whatever you want, should be forbidden and rewarded, should be ridiculed and laughed at, and should be knowledgeable. This is called the law. If you are arrogant and slow to learn, you will copy, and if you have no prestige, you will be killed. When anger grows, they will increase resentment, catch up with growth, and eventually be defeated. Confucius said, "small people succeed, and habit becomes nature." As the saying goes, "When a woman comes, teach her baby." Sincere language! Yan jiaxun
43. A man's beloved son can be both rare and uniform; From ancient times to the present, this has many disadvantages. A virtuous person can enjoy his love, but a stubborn person should also pity him. Those who are partial to him are even more troublesome, although they want to be generous. My mother did the death of my uncle. Wang Zhao massacre, father really did it. Liu Biao's tendency to protect the clan and Yuan Shao's death can serve as a mirror for Gui Ling. Yan jiaxun
44. Fu Ming's Six Classics refers to hundreds of classics, but it is still an art and can be self-funded. Father and brother can't always live together, and the country can't always protect itself. Once you are displaced and there is no one to protect you, you should ask for help. As the saying goes, "It's better to get a treasure than a Ji Bo". Those who are easy to learn and valuable never read. This world, regardless of ignorance, wants to know many people and has a wide knowledge, but refuses to study. It is still hungry and lazy, and it is warm and lazy to cut clothes. The learners are from Xihe and Nongsi. Under the universe, everyone knows several people and sees several things. The success or failure of the people, there are likes and dislikes, solid deficiency theory, heaven and earth can not hide, ghosts and gods can not hide. Yan jiaxun
45. My husband wants to be happy, to be discerning and to listen. Those who don't know how to support their relatives depend on the original heart of the ancients, who are humble and not afraid of hard work, so sweet and tender, they are afraid. Those who are at a loss want to see the ancients guard their posts and not invade, forget their lives and their advice, so as to benefit the country, grieve for themselves and think about practical results; Those who are arrogant and extravagant want to see the courtesy and frugality of the ancients, humility and self-grazing, courtesy as the foundation of teaching, self-respect and self-loss, convergence and restraint; People who are plain and stingy want to see the ancients' noble righteousness more important than wealth, less selfish desires, avoiding surplus and evil, poverty and regret, and accumulating and dispersing; Violent people, who want to see the precepts of the ancients, are self-defeating, with rotten teeth and rotten tongues, guilty of hiding diseases, respecting sages and accommodating the public, and unhappy, if they are too clothed; Timid to see the life of the ancients, strong and upright, stand by and watch their words, and seek happiness forever, furious and energetic. Don't be afraid. Every line used to be the same. If you can't be spring, you can't go to Thailand. As you know, there is nothing you can do. The world is a scholar, who can speak but can't do it. He doesn't know loyalty and filial piety, and he lacks benevolence and righteousness. Litigation, no need to be reasonable; Slaughter thousands of families, no matter who they are; Tell him to build a house, you don't need to know whether the lintel is horizontal or vertical; As a field to ask, you don't have to know that Xiaomi is early and Xiaomi is late; Talking about banter, satirizing ci-fu, things are superior and leisurely, things increase and students are pedantic, and military economy is slightly useless: therefore, it is despised by military officers and vulgar officials, and good reason is good! Yan jiaxun
46. Husband and wife scholars seek benefits. See people reading ten volumes of books, tall, ignoring the elderly and disdaining the same column; People are sick as enemies and evil as owls. Learning is better than not learning well.
Ancient scholars made up for their own shortcomings by themselves; Scholars nowadays are human beings, but they can speak out. Ancient scholars were human beings, and what they did was to benefit the world. Nowadays, scholars are all for themselves, and self-cultivation can make progress. Scholars still plant trees, play with their flowers in spring and climb in autumn; Talking about articles is also good for spring, and self-cultivation is also good for autumn. Yan jiaxun
47. Life is young, and the spirit is patented. When you grow up, you want to escape, teach early, and don't miss the opportunity. When I was seven years old, I recited "Lingguang Dian Fu". As for today, I won't forget it in ten years. Twenty years later, the books I memorized were abandoned and abandoned in January. However, people have a hurdle? ? If you lose your prime, you still have to study that night. Confucius said, "If you are eager to learn at fifty, you will not make a big mistake." Loyal old Wei Wu and Yuan Yi learned little and never got tired of getting old. Ceng Zi is a scholar at the age of 70 and is famous all over the world. Xun Qing began to study abroad at the age of fifty, and he was still a Confucian scholar. Gong Sunhong was in his forties before he read the Spring and Autumn Period, thus becoming a prime minister. Zhu Yun is also forty years old, and he began to study the Book of Changes and The Analects of Confucius. Huangfu Mi, at the age of 20, began to accept the Book of Filial Piety and The Analects of Confucius: they all became great scholars in the end, and this is not a question of early infatuation and late indulgence. The marriage crown in the world has not been learned, so it is too late, and it is also a fool's ear following the wall. Young scholars, such as the light of sunrise, old scholars, such as the night walk by candlelight, are still virtuous. Yan jiaxun
48. The rise and fall of learning depends on the world. The virtue and handsomeness of Han Dynasty are based on the way of sage. When I was there the next day, I was assigned to the personnel, and many people used this to show their respect for each other. In the end, the custom has come to an end, leaving chapters and sentences empty, but it is almost impossible to perform world events by following the teacher's words. Therefore, the children of scholar-officials are all interested in erudition and refuse to specialize in Confucianism. Under the grandson of Emperor Liang Chao, when he was in his thirties, he must first enter school and observe his ambition. After he was born, he began to study literature and history and did not graduate. He Yin, Liu Gui, Ming Shanbin, Yi Zhu, Zhou, He Ge, Xiao Zizheng and Liu Taize. , both literature and history knowledge, and not just talk about it. Luo Yang heard about Zhang Qian and Liu Fang, and saw Xing Zicai in the summer night: Although these four Confucian scholars are good at Confucian classics, they are also called. Therefore, sages are the top grade, leading idle people to Tadano. Its language is vulgar, its style is clumsy, and its reality is omnipotent. It's strange to ask a few hundred words, otherwise there will be no meeting. There is a saying on a summer night: "A doctor bought a donkey with three books and vouchers, but there was no donkey word." It's annoying for you to use this as a teacher. Confucius said, "You can gain from learning." It's no use being diligent today, and I'm afraid it's not karma. The book of sages, therefore, teaches, but studies the scriptures, understands the meaning, and often teaches by example; Why does Zhongniju need two pieces of paper to see the righteousness? What's the point of sleeping in the lecture hall? Is it better to win by this? Time is a pity, just like all lost water. When the Expo is confidential, it is beneficial to the cause; I can have both beauty and beauty, and I have no leisure. Yan jiaxun
49, name and reality, shape and shadow still exist. A good name is a good virtue and skill; When the face is beautiful, the shadow is beautiful. Today, those who don't cultivate themselves and seek fame in the world are still ugly and blame Yan Ying for being in the mirror. The staff sergeant forgot his name, the staff sergeant established his name, and the corporal stole it. Those who forget the name, combine virtue and harmony, enjoy the blessing of ghosts and gods, and do not seek the name; People who are famous, self-cultivated and cautious are afraid that the concept of honor is not obvious, so they will become famous; Thieves, thick-skinned, treacherous, and flashy novels, hence the name. Yan jiaxun
As far as the nature of planting trees is concerned, it should be comfortable, its cultivation should be flat, its soil should be ancient and its buildings should be dense. Now that you're gone, don't move, don't worry, don't look back. If you are a child, if you are abandoned, it will be perfect and your nature will be good. Therefore, I don't harm its long-term, and I don't have to be strong. Actually, it's just that it's not a flea, but it's also a flea. Others are not: roots are fists, and soil is easy. It is also cultivated, and if it is not too much, it will be inferior. If you have the ability to do the opposite, you will love too much and worry too much. I looked at it and caressed it, but I had already left, looking back; What's more, it scratches its skin with its claws to test its health and dryness, shakes its roots to observe its density, and the properties of wood are separated from it every day. Although you love it, it is actually harmful; Although I am worried, I really hate it. What can I do if I don't hate it? Biography of planting trees and camels