1. Lu Meng was a minister of the Song Dynasty and did not like to argue with others. When he first became prime minister, an official pointed at him from behind the curtain and said to others: "Is this unknown boy worthy of being prime minister?" Lu Mengzheng pretended not to hear and strode over. The other political participants were indignant for him and were about to find out who dared to be so bold, so they hurriedly stopped them. After the dispersion of the dynasty, those who participated in politics were still dissatisfied and regretted not finding that person just now.
Lu Mengzheng said to them: "Once you understand his name, you will never forget it for the rest of your life. In this case, how bad it is to hold a grudge against him! Therefore, do not ask this person Whose name is it? In fact, it’s no loss to me if I don’t know who he is.” People at that time admired his magnanimity.
2. Peng Dehuai is magnanimous
Peng Dehuai, the commander-in-chief of the three Red Army Corps, and more than 30 people inspected the terrain at the front, and the messengers ran and shouted to give way while holding red flags. Only one warrior sat still.
Peng Dehuai shouted a few words when he saw someone blocking the road. The soldier stood up and punched Mr. Peng twice. Mr. Peng let him go and hurried on. Afterwards, the soldiers were ordered to bring the soldier to see Mr. Peng. Mr. Peng immediately asked him to go back. The soldier knew that he had caused trouble and was afraid. Seeing that Mr. Peng didn't care, he was deeply moved. Later he said to everyone he met: "The commander-in-chief is really magnanimous!"
3. General The Legend of Xianghe
In the old Chinese era in 279 AD, Lin Xiangru of the State of Zhao returned to Zhao after guarding the wall. He made great achievements and was worshiped as Shangqing, ranking above General Lianpo. Lian Po was very unconvinced and threatened to humiliate him. When Lin Xiangru heard Lian Po's words, he often complained that he was ill and refused to go to court, and did not compete with Lian Po for the throne. Sometimes Lin Xiangru went out in a car and ran away from Lian Po when he saw him.
The diners thought he was timid and afraid of getting into trouble. Lin Xiangru said: "The King of Qin is so powerful that I am not afraid of him. Am I still afraid of Lian Po? I think that the reason why the powerful Qin State did not invade Zhao State is just because of the two of us. Now when two tigers fight, one of them will be injured and will be weakened. The power to resist foreign enemies. The reason why I avoided General Lian was because of my husband’s family concerns first and then my personal grudges!”
When these words reached Lian Po’s ears, he felt ashamed and took off his clothes. , Go to the door to plead guilty. He said: "I am rough and low-minded, with narrow ambitions. I have offended the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister can be so tolerant, and my death is not enough to atone for my sin." So they reunited with each other and became friends of life and death.
4. The Legend of Liuchi Lane
During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Yingguan, a native of Tongcheng, became a bachelor of Wenhua Palace and the Minister of Rites. The neighbor is Ye Mansion, another large family in Tongcheng. The owner is Ye Shilang, who served in the same dynasty as Zhang Ying. The two families had a dispute over the courtyard wall. Mrs. Zhang repaired the book and sent it to Zhang Ying.
Zhang Ying was deeply worried when he saw the letter, and replied to the old lady: "The letters from home thousands of miles away are only for the wall, so why not let people be three feet away? The Great Wall is still there today, and Qin Shihuang is nowhere to be seen." So Mrs. Zhang ordered The servant stepped back three feet to build a wall. Ye Mansion was very moved and ordered his family to move the courtyard wall back three feet. From then on, the barriers between the two houses of Zhang and Ye were eliminated and the friendship between the two families was established.
5. The story of Liszt accepting free students
A girl held a concert and promoted that she was a student of Liszt. The day before the performance, Liszt appeared in front of the girl. The girl sobbed, claiming it was for livelihood and begged for forgiveness.
Liszt first listened to the girl talk about the music, gave her some pointers, and finally said cheerfully: "Go on stage and play boldly. You are now my student. You can announce to the theater manager that the last program of the party will be , played by the teacher for the students." Liszt played the last piece in the concert. The packed theater was filled with thunderous applause.