The famous sayings of the German philosopher-Hegel. It means to warn us not to be afraid of setbacks and to be brave in making progress; not to be negative and not to be afraid of falling.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (German: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, often abbreviated as G. W. F. Hegel; August 27, 1770 - November 14, 1831) ), German philosopher.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel lived slightly later than Kant and was one of the representatives of German idealist philosophy in the 19th century. Hegel was born in Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Württemberg in today's southwest Germany; he was the president of the University of Berlin (today's Humboldt University of Berlin).
Many people believe that Hegel’s thought marked the peak of the German idealist philosophical movement in the 19th century and had a profound impact on later philosophical schools such as existentialism and the history of Marx. Materialism has had a profound impact. What's more, Hegel's political thought contains the essence of both liberalism and conservatism.
Therefore, for those who feel that liberalism is facing challenges because they see the inability of liberalism to recognize individual needs and reflect basic human values, his philosophy is undoubtedly for freedom. Doctrine provides a new way out.