Don’t overestimate your capabilities. No one laughs at your dreams, they just laugh at your abilities.
Luck sometimes just looks like luck, but in fact it is also part of strength.
Confidence comes from confidence, and arrogance requires strength.
Does the certificate prove the fact, does the fact prove the certificate, or are they the same object.
Farewell to the cold winter, "waiting for the spring", "when the flowers are blooming", "Qi lingers for a long time"
Before mocking the person you hate, stand on the same page as her location. Otherwise, you will only be embarrassed.
Jack Ma: Leaders should never compare their skills with their subordinates. The subordinates are definitely better than you; if they are not better than you, it means you hired the wrong person. Compared to what? 1. Comparative vision: see further than him; 2. Comparison of mind: Who is stronger than another does not depend on ability, but on who can tolerate whom; 3. Comparing strength: When no one else can, you still have a way.
All along, it was because I had no strength that I silently endured the pain of the death of the person who loved me. All along, it was because of my lack of strength that I was bullied and looked down upon. All this time, I have begged before the Buddha to help me bear the pain that those who love me have suffered because of me. Strength is what I crave so much today.
Human is really a magical animal. If you don’t push yourself, you will never know how much potential you have.