The list is as follows:
1. Confucius said, "In a threesome, there must be a teacher; Choose the good and follow it, and change it if it is not good. "
from: The Analects?
Explanation: Confucius said, "When several people walk together, there must be someone worthy of my imitation. We should choose their advantages to study, and pay attention to correcting their shortcomings.
2. Boyi and Shuqi were ashamed to eat Zhou Su
Boyi and Shuqi were the two sons of the solitary bamboo monarch in the late Yin Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty. The solitary bamboo king appointed his youngest son, Shu Qi, to succeed him before his death.
After his death, Shu Qi will give the throne to his eldest brother Boyi. Boyi thought that your life could not be violated and he should respect his father's decision, so he refused to be in place and fled abroad. Shu Qi, on the other hand, thought that Boyi was virtuous, which was the most suitable way to govern the country, and it was also in line with the order of seniority, so he also fled abroad. Give the throne to the second son of the solitary bamboo monarch.
Boyi and Shu Qi gave in to each other, ran away one after another, and then met. They heard that the Xiqiao country governed by Xibohou was rich and the people were rich, Xibohou was a corporal of courtesy, respected the elders and loved the young, and the people understood etiquette and honesty, so they agreed to go to Xiqiao. Ji Chang is dead, featuring don't send out obituary, began to cut Zhou. The army consecrates the throne of Ji Chang (Zhou Wenwang), which means that the coach is still King Wen and is heading for Mengjin.
Shu Qi tugged at the reins of the horse and persuaded him, "Is it filial piety that my father died without being buried? Is it righteousness for a courtier to crusade against his own king? Shang Zhou is cruel, but it is wrong for you to conquer violence with violence! " The army of King Wu ignored the pedantic man and continued to March.
3, Kong Rong let pears
When Kong Rong was four years old, one day he and his brothers ate pears together. The brothers ate big pears, while Kong Rong only ate smaller pears.
Someone asked Kong Rong why he always lets his elder brother take the younger one. Kong Rong said: Children eat very little, so they should eat the younger one, and the older one should be given to their older brothers.
4. Don't do it just because the evil is small, and don't do it just because the good is small.
Translated from The History of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Shu, Biography of the First Master
Don't do it just because the bad is small, and don't do it just because the good is small.