Governing by doing nothing is originally a Taoist and governing idea. It was Lao Tzu's earnest warning to the king at that time that he should not argue with the people. Laozi said: "I do nothing, but the people are self-made;" I am so quiet, and the people are self-righteous; I have nothing to do, and the people are rich; I have no desire, but the people are simple, and I emphasize that "doing nothing is nothing."
"Governing by doing nothing" is not doing nothing, but interfering too much, giving full play to the creativity of all people, achieving self-realization and moving towards loftiness and glory. Looking at China's long feudal dynasty, all the peaceful and prosperous times and grand undertakings recorded in historical books were achieved under the guidance of Taoism.
As a currency holder, what you need is "patience", and "inaction" is to stick to this patience. Only by being able to withstand temper, loneliness and the menacing bear can we win prosperity. You have money, are good at technology, know K-line and are well informed, but only a little patience, or patience, is enough to destroy the most promising market layout.
In life, patience is a kind of accomplishment, a realm, a broad mind and an all-inclusive spirit. Being able to be a ninja pays attention to strategy, being able to be a ninja embodies great courage, and being a good ninja pursues great wisdom, which means keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile.
In the ups and downs of the market, with patience, you can be calm and calm, and you can think and analyze calmly, cope calmly and take it calmly. On the other hand, you will be hot-headed, blindly follow the trend, and lack independent judgment. As a result, wrong operations will be carried out at the right time or at the wrong time, leading to wrong results and ruining great rivers and mountains.
The investment market must follow certain rules, such as: mentality first, technology second, capital third; Also, not to be happy, not to be sad; Another example is that there is an X in hand, but there is no X in heart ... It can be seen that every law emphasizes the importance of mentality. Mentality is the first factor for investors to win or lose. Looking at the market coldly and looking at red and green calmly is an essential quality for successful investment.
At that time, the famous Yang Baiwan in the stock market said a wise saying: If you want to win money in the stock market, you must first never treat money too much-in fact, that's what you mean. However, it is easier said than done, otherwise there will be too many young people.
Laozi's teaching us "inaction" is not to let us eat and wait for death, to be mediocre and do nothing, but to warn us not to act rashly. Only in this way can we not violate the objective laws, and only by strictly following the objective laws can we achieve the omnipotent situation, that is, you can do everything.
The three standards of consciousness that modern people admire most: self-cultivation rooted in the heart, self-consciousness without reminding, and freedom based on restraint. The last sentence is an extension of the above two sentences. Only with self-cultivation and self-consciousness can we achieve self-discipline and freedom. This kind of freedom is the kind of great freedom and true freedom that govern by doing nothing, which is the same as Laozi's view of "governing by doing nothing".
No matter what investment market, there is always less profit and more loss, because it can't reach that level. Therefore, Lao Tzu will always be our Lao Tzu, and we can't refuse to accept it.
You have money in your hand, but no money in your heart. You are required to have no worries about gains and losses, and keep a normal state of mind. Only in this way can you calmly and objectively analyze the changes in the market, ignore the gains and losses, face the changes in the curve cheerfully, take a long-term view, and not be led by the market.
Lao Tzu also said: Doing nothing is nothing. Nothing is nothing, nothing is nothing. Is to let us less gain and loss, more common mind, in order to live a good life and take good steps.
once you enter the coin circle, it's as deep as the sea. When you come, you can be safe, so you don't have to worry all day. If Laozi could travel through time and space, he would surely tell us with a profound understanding: the so-called currency market is actually just a circular big disk, and the ups and downs are just two either-or situations. If it goes up for a long time, it will fall, and if it goes down for a long time, it will rise, that's all. Learning to follow the trend can make your dreams come true.
With money in hand, we should be open-minded, not happy about things or sad about ourselves. In the market, we should learn to be in line with the realm of "there is nothing, where is the dust" and grow up to the realm that Laozi warned us. Take your time, don't worry, there is plenty of time anyway.
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