Zhu Zhiwen not only expressed himself with words, but also proved himself with actions. Being famous and not cheating is always the aim of farmers. Zhu Zhiwen is very caring. He auctioned off his yellow coat and donated 5 1.6 million yuan. Is it there? What happened to the squid? Trade? Hey? г? Study the skirt of "аа bed"? What is the burden? Are you depressed? What happened? Hey? Hey? Integral? Hey? Are you awake? ⒓丶熘熘熘熘熘熘熘熘熘熘熘熘熘熘 Do you want to fight arrest? Ant punishment? What's the matter with you? South China swallows strong dice? We grassroots stars are obsessed with teachers, and we should also be ourselves, don't put on airs like stars, and be grateful for teachers' kindness.
Recently, I watched the Happy Wish of Tianjin Satellite TV on the Internet. Teacher Tu Lei interviewed Zhu Zhiwen. Although Zhu Zhiwen is a grassroots actor, the audience still warmly applauded Zhu Zhiwen's character.
Zhu Zhiwen not only said it, but also proved himself with actions.
Being famous and not cheating is always the goal of farmers. Zhu Zhiwen is very caring. He auctioned off his yellow coat and donated 5 1.6 million yuan. Is it there? What happened to the squid? Trade? Hey? г? Study the skirt of "аа bed"? What is the burden? Are you depressed? What happened? Hey? Hey? Integral? Hey? Are you awake? ⒓ ߦ ߦ ߦ 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶 丶𰸞𰸞20022