In the process of reading the second half of the article, when I read Yan Yuan's twelfth sentence "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you" and Lutz's thirteenth sentence "Haste makes waste", I had a deep understanding of myself and once again emphasized the significance of these two sentences.
In Yanyuan No.12 Middle School, Zhong Gong asked Ren. Confucius said, "When you go out, you will meet the distinguished guests, making the people like big sacrifices. Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you. Generally speaking, when you leave school, you should use the people's power like a VIP, as if you were making a great sacrifice. Don't add things you don't like to others. In this way, there is no resentment in holding public office in the vassal state, and there is no resentment in working in the Qing family and the doctor's family.
It is not easy for a person not to resent, because everyone has their own desires and it is difficult to get everyone's appreciation. Only by adhering to the mentality of "don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you" can we take care of everything and reduce everyone's resentment.
Since you have what you don't want, you must have what you want. What should you do about what you want? You can try to give it to others first, but you must respect each other without any reluctance. We can invite again. If the other party still doesn't accept it, we can stop so as not to cause unpleasantness.
In no.13 middle school, he was slaughtered by his living father and asked about politics. Confucius said, "Haste makes waste. Haste makes waste; When you see a small profit, you can't make a big deal. Generally speaking, you don't need to be quick and quick, and don't just see the small profits in front of you. You can't finish the task if you think fast; You can't achieve great things only by seeing the petty profits in front of you.
The common fault of ordinary people seems to be hard to avoid. Seeking personal gain for one's own career is just asking for trouble.
Nowadays, many people are eager for quick success and instant benefit, which is harmful to enterprises. But many people don't understand this truth and always ask for speed. Everything is quick in one word, and they don't care about the overall situation. Although there is no harm in a short time, in the long run, it will have a considerable impact on yourself or others.
In the fourth year of work, I obviously have no energy when I first entered the workplace. Years have gradually smoothed out my water chestnut, and my work lacks passion. I didn't think about what to do, why to do it and what to do before.
Now I am slowly planning my work and life, which is a bit confusing. Now I am also looking for a way that suits me. First, we should read the classics of Chinese studies, understand the wisdom of sages and be a high-quality youth.
Although the road is long, we should stop to think and plan slowly.
Confucius' The Analects of Confucius has been read and just finished, but the truth in the book is still not fully understood. Now I will gradually understand it in combination with my own life. In the month of 10, I began to learn the next book by Professor Ceng Shiqiang, The Wisdom of Laozi. Then I learned the wisdom of life from Laozi and found the way to the next stage.
(Text: Sun Meng)