Story 3: Zi Han was a wise minister of the Song State in the Spring and Autumn Period. A man in the Song State got a beautiful jade and presented it to Zi Han, who refused to accept it. The person who presented the jade said, "I have shown it to the jade worker, who thinks it is a treasure, so I dare to present it to you!" Zi Han said, "I regard greed as a treasure, and you regard beautiful jade as a treasure. If you give me jade, then both of us will lose our treasure."
The person who gave the jade kowtowed, and then said to Zi Han, "I have a treasure hidden in my arms. It's not safe to go anywhere, so I'd better give it to you. This will avoid being murdered for money." Then he sold it, gave the money to the jade giver, made him a rich man, and sent him home.
Story 4: Gong Yixiu likes to eat fish, and someone gave him fish, but he refused. The fish giver said, "I heard that you like fish, why don't you accept the fish I sent you?" Gong Yixiu said, "Because I like fish, I can't accept your fish! Now that I am a prime minister, I can afford to buy fish and eat it myself. If I am removed from my post as prime minister because I accepted the fish you sent me, I can't afford fish myself from now on. Will you send me fish again? In this way, can I eat fish again? Therefore, I can never accept the fish you sent me. "
Story 5
When the father and son were incorruptible
In the Three Kingdoms, Hu Zhi was the governor of the state of Wei for nearly three years. After his death, his family had no money left, only clothes and boxes of books given by the court. Everyone praised his integrity. When Hu Zhi was the secretariat of Jingzhou, his family members were all in Kyoto. Once his son Hu Wei went to his residence. Hu Zhi said, "My son doesn't have to doubt that this silk is the rest of my salary." Hu Wei thanked his father's reward and rode on the road. Along the way, he put the donkey and cut wood for cooking.
Later, Hu Wei was also an official secretariat, with outstanding achievements. After entering Jin Dynasty, Jin Wudi met him. Jin Wudi talked about Hu Zhi's life story and praised him. Hu Wei replied, "Not as good as my father." Emperor Wu of Jin asked, "Why?" Hu Wei said, "My father is clean for fear that others will know, and I am clean for fear that others will not know, so I am far from my father."